Gone Fishing

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I step into my room and lay my bag down at the bed.

The walls in this place must be really thin, because I can hear the conversation going on in Clementines room. It seems Violet was in there too. She was talking about Minnie and Sophie, Tenns sister. It sounded like it was really personal for her. I shouldnt be listening in. I should give them privacy.

I decide to just wait outside.

The courtyard was empty, and the fire was dying down. It was strange but... peaceful.

I lay down on my back on top of the couch, and look up to the stars. That was one of the benefits of wandering. Every night, the stars were always there. They were comforting. Even though everything has changed and gone to shit, the stars are all still the same.

Every time I see them, I'm reminded of my mother. She used to sing me a song to calm me down when I was younger, or to help me fall asleep. 'Starry, starry night' I think it was called. I dont remember her voice. Hell, I dont even remember what she looked like, but I've been told she "sung like an angel".

I wonder if she's still alive. I hope so. I dont blame her for leaving. I'm not angry that she did. I never really knew her to care. She's my mother though. The person that brought me into this miserable world, so there'll always be that feeling of love I have towards her. I just wish she had taken me with her to wherever she had gone.

I close my eyes, humming the song to myself as I waited for Violet and Clementine to finish their conversation.

I jolt awake as a leaf lands on my face. Weird, how'd a leaf get into my room? I look around.
I had fallen asleep outside on the couch. Surprisingly, it actually wasnt so bad. I got a decent nights sleep. Better not do it again though. I was lucky it didn't start raining.

I went to my room to grab my bag, and upon leaving, I bump into Tenn.

"Morning Tenn."

"Good morning."

He looked distracted.

"You alright?" I ask.

"I can't find my drawing book." He says. "I think I left it in Marlons room but I haven't finished my chores yet, and I dont want to disturb him."

"Well, I'm not too busy right now. I'll go have a look for you." I tell him.

"Thanks (Y/n). I'll be outside once I'm finished."

To the office, I guess.

Entering the admin building, I walk upstairs and open the office door. Inside was Marlon, Clementine and AJ.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just fetching something for Tenn." I explain.

"Actually, your timing couldnt be more perfect. I was gonna go look for you anyway." Marlon says.

"What for?" I close the door behind me.

"Clem and AJ are gonna go hunting with Louis and Aasim, so I need you to help Brody and Violet with the fishing."

You gotta be kidding me.

"What, why can't I go with Louis and Aasim? Clementine will probably want to go with the girls anyway."

Marlon looks at Clementine.

"I don't really care what I do. AJ?"

"Fishing sounds boring." He says.

"Its settled then. Besides, you've already seen the traps and you haven't been fishing yet. Clem and AJ haven't done either." Marlon says.

"Fine." I sigh.

TWDG Season 4 -- Male Reader x VioletWhere stories live. Discover now