Chapter Forty-Five

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Day Four


"'Mione! Hi!" laughed Robyn as Hermione took her into her arms as a greeting. "It's only been a week!" she said lightly into Hermione's ear, but didn't let go, either.

"I was bored!" complained Hermione.

Fair enough. Robyn had been bored, too. Dreadfully so. She'd spent her hours in the library wishing she was with this girl instead. Gods, how had she survived all of July without seeing her?

She realised with a jolt in her stomach that maybe she was becoming a bit dependent on her. But it seemed Hermione was the same way...

"I'm going to teach you how to swim today," declared Hermione as she pulled away. Robyn wished she had held on a little longer. Oh well.

Wait, swim?

Robyn thought Hermione had been joking...

"You- you weren't joking about that...?"

"Of course not!" scoffed Hermione. "What if you fall into water accidentally one day? I can't have you drowning!"

She honestly couldn't think of a retort, so shrugged her shoulders in agreement. Hermione beamed and proceeded to lead her out of The Lanes.

"First, we'll head to Ziggy and Juniper's; they said we can change in the back. I brought you a swimming costume – you're welcome. I, er, I like your dress, by the way. Lucky you wore it. Easier to change in and out of. And—"

"Take a breath, Woman!" said Robyn. But she was a bit lost in her head, contemplating the whole swimming thing. She was a bit nervous about it. And apparently Hermione could tell.

"Hey, are you all right?" she asked as they stopped at a zebra crossing. Hermione had previously informed her that cars are supposed to stop for pedestrians at these things, but Robyn was extremely dubious. So, naturally, she hung on tight to her own personal protector against cars – Hermione. Merlin, how had she done this on her own last week? If she had the choice, she'd never choose to travel the Muggle world without Hermione again!

"Me? Are you? You're the one who's rambling. I said take a breath!" she retorted. Maybe she needed Hermione to protect her against cars, but she didn't need her worrying.

"I am breathing! You're the one holding on so tight my arm's about to fall off! Not that I mind- well, I'd prefer it didn't, but if you need—"


"You breathe!"

"Oh, look at me," said Robyn as she breathed theatrically, "breathing."



Oh. There was a car waiting for them to cross the road.

Stupid rude cars making those stupid rude noises.

"Come on!" urged Hermione.

Robyn made a face at the car as they passed in front of it, and it beeped again.


Hermione scolded her firmly, "Don't make faces at cars!"


They walked a couple more minutes, which was filled with Hermione telling her about what she had been up to the past week. She had apparently come up with a special activity for the two of them to do one day. Sounds fun.

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