Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Invisible wife

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled bitterly. Mrs Mishika Garcia. It sounds so good. How I wish it was for real. Sure, legally I am mrs Garcia, but in the real sense of the word, I am not.

I accept that. I'm willing to work hard to get his affection and love. Though, I can't help but wish for things to be different. Zeck and I had a grand garden wedding just this afternoon. It was beautifully arranged. However, it wasn't my dream wedding.

I had always dreamed of getting married at my lola's ranch where my parents and kuya got married. But I guess that would be too much to ask for. Even our first kiss as husband and wife was so abrupt, I barely felt it.

I glanced at my husband who just stepped out of the walk in closet, looking superbly good even if he's just wearing a white shirt and jeans.

It's our first night together and he won't even stay. "You're going?"

He glanced at me. "Yes."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll just meet up with a friend."

Liar! I know he's going to that bitch ex of his! I read their messages. Zeck's phone has no password. Thus, I was able to read his messages while he was taking a shower.

At that moment, I wanted to call that bitch and give her a piece of my mind but I knew Zeck would be furious. So here I am... pretending like nothing is wrong.

"A friend?" I clutched the blanket tightly, trying to calm myself when all I want to do is yell and throw things at him! "Can't your friend wait for another day? It's our first night together as a couple." I gave emphasis to the word 'friend'.

"Cut the crap. We both know we're not really a couple." He said flatly.

That stings. "The last time I checked, we're already married. That makes us a couple. Legally. If you need some reminding."

He turned to face me. "Need I remind you why we got married in the first place?" That shut me up. "I married you out of obligation. Sure, legally I'm your husband. But in the real sense of the word? No, we're not. Never. So if you think for one moment, that you have some sort of claim on me, then you're wrong."

"We can make it work."

He sneered. "I can never trust a scheming bitch like you."

My lips quivered as my eyes started to water. "Are we always going to be like this?"

"Let me clear one thing to you, I will live my life the way I want. Being married to me doesn't give you the right to tell me how to live it. You forced yourself in my life, you live with the consequences."

First night and we're already fighting. What a great night! I spent our honeymoon alone in this big bed, crying myself to sleep.

"This is your room." My room? Does he mean to say that we're not going to stay in one room? I looked at him.

"When you said this was my room, what did you mean by that?"

He lazily leaned on the doorway. "Do I have to spell it out for you?" He breathes out harshly. "We'll have separate rooms."

I wanted to complain and reason that we won't be able to work out our relationship this way but I knew what his answer would be so I just agreed. He was about to turn his back when I called out his name.

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