(15) - Difficult decisions

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They waited till every single mountain person, mostly the guards and Dante, to retreat to their rooms before they could continue with their plan. Zack glanced everywhere before he signaled the rest of them to take place. "Come on. Quickly!" He waved his arm in the air.

Monty ran to the lock and rushed to open it as fast as he could with Faith holding the wire to help him. "You got this," she reminded him when she saw his unsure eyes.

"Today, Monty." Jasper's clenched muscles around his neck showed how nervous he was. "I'm going as fast as I can,"

Faith rolled her eyes and looked at Jasper a little annoyed. It was not easy and Jasper wasn't helping at all. She smiled to herself when the green light came to life and blinked. Zack swallowed the urge of releasing happy screams and gave thumbs up to the boy. 

"Have a little faith." he shot back at his best friend before delivering a glance full of meaning. "Although we already have her."

Faith rolled her eyes again but this time with a small smile on her lips before opening the door.

They all entered Wallace's office, their faces filling up with admiration. Many things in there were unfamiliar to them, like the multiple statue figures on the tables, the incredible paintings on the walls, and the book with the music notes in front of his office desk.

"Harper, go watch the hall," Jasper said to Harper, earning an annoying look from the girl. 

"Why do I have to watch the hall?" she asked back. Faith was observing a pigeon figure in the table before looking back at the two who were fighting. 

"Monty's good with computers, Miller is a thief." 

Harper didn't want to watch the hall but Faith decided to back up Jasper, and also maybe keep her company. "I'll help you. Two pairs of eyes will work better. Come on," 

Both exited the office, although they wanted so badly to take a look at it. They decided for Harper to take the left hallway.

Zack held Faith's shoulder out of suddenly, scaring her. "I'll watch the right hall. You go back, and stay outside of the office in case someone comes." 

Faith nodded to his idea and just stood outside of the office in case an emergency happened. It didn't take long for Monty to find out what they were hiding from them. Clarke was right all this time. They were survivors from the Ark that were praying for their kids inside this mountain to come back alive. 

The other day Zack woke up to realize his worst scenario coming true. He noticed that Harper wasn't in her bed like the other days when he woke up. He searched everywhere, every level he good enter, every room, and every corner. He even searched every table at level five. 

Faith walked to him, wanting to know what was he doing. "I can't find Harper." 

Faith's face dropped, and her mouth parted, taking some panicked breaths. "She was right behind me before we returned to the dorm." Zack pulled his hair forcefully. "I don't know how she disappeared, or when I swear." He kept pulling his hair. 

Faith stopped him. "Try to stay calm. Let's go ask the others first. Okay?"

In the dorm, Miller and Monty just got informed by Jasper that Harper was missing this morning from breakfast.

Seeing Zack and Faith coming, running to the inside only fed their worst nightmare. "What's going on?"

Zack took a breath before starting talking. "Harper..." he whispered in Between his heavy breathing. 

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