(3)- Wristbands

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The night had passed by hard. The poor girl couldn't sleep at ease, always keeping herself on guard. Her tiny body rolled around, trying to make herself comfortable. Her eyes fluttered open when she felt a pain in the lower part of her leg. She jerked her body forward, stroking and massaging her leg to make it feel better.

"Where am I?" she scoped the area of the dropship panicky; she thought she was back to the sky-cell. She felt her chest calming down as she took big breaths. Once she relaxed, she remembered where she was.

"For your bad luck still on the ground with these jerks," a familiar voice made her head snap to the other side, making her hair fly to the back. The voice belonged to Wells, who was sitting at the corner holding his wrist with a grimace of pain.

Faith raised her eyebrow and moved closer only to realize that his wristband was missing and in its place was decorated by a bloody wound. She didn't have to think long to figure out who was responsible for that.

"Let me guess. Bellamy, right?" she asked with a low voice full of anger. Wells remained silent. The unexistent answer was enough for her to assure her suspicions.

"They'll come for you too, Faith. They're not going to stop until they remove all of them," the boy warned her, making her scoff. There was no way she would take her wristband out like that. Not for some brats that wanted to play bullies. She was going to make sure they'll get the message.

"They'll have to kill me if they want it." She would never let them lay a finger on her.  Every common person could underestimate her small figure, but she could get strong if you challenged or trigger her anger. It was more than just a challenge. It was a threat.

Minjun walked into the dropship, noticing the two bodies that were covered at the corner of the exit. Minjun's relaxed face dropped to a sad one and left a deep sigh while fixing her brown eyes on the two of them who were already looking at her. With loud steps, she approached them.

"Come on. We have to take care of these bodies," Minjun reminded them, placing her arm around Faith's neck, smiling sadly. Faith nodded to that. They had to rest in peace, after all.

"I'll get Zack."

Faith walked out, leaving these two alone again, so they could carry the bodies out of the camp. But not too far from the bounds of the camp. They burrowed two rectangle holes and dropped the heavy lifeless bodies in them. Faith left a tired sigh escape from her mouth. She wiped the sweat off her forehead. She was about to start putting the dirt back in the hole when someone stepped on her shovel.

"What now?" She whined in annoyance. Her eyes traveled to the front only to see Zack looking down on her with a smile."Go away, Zack. I just want to get over with those toombs," she exclaimed tiredly, holding the shovel with both hands.

The guy snatched the shovel from her hands, leaving her flabbergasted. The loss of the heavy tool in her hands made her body jerk forward as a reaction. "Hey!" She squeaked.

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