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Joining a new school is never easy, especially when it's one's last year of high school.

Luckily for Seonghwa, a teen who lived a few houses down offered to help him adjust. It didn't mean his nerves weren't amplified by a thousand though.

He had a couple weeks to at least adjust to his neighborhood, and surrounding places. But he'd be seeing his new school for the first time while for everyone else it was just another first day of school.

Though his first day wasnt going so well.

He was supposed to meet the other in front a certain classroom, which he got lost to. Seonghwa wasn't even certain he was across from the right room. It definitely didn't help students were constantly side-eyeing him, only making him feel more uncomfortable. He started wondering if the other would ever show.

Granted, Seonghwa arrived about twenty minutes early. But, the other was now ten minutes late to the time they both agreed on.

He sighed, running a hand through his dark burgundy hair.

Seonghwa was trying to keep calm.

Keyword: trying.

Fear was slowly entering his body. Questions flooding his mind, again. Was he at the right spot? Did he actually get the time wrong? Would the latter even show? Was this all a prank? And so many more.

To rid of those thoughts, he pulled out his phone. His fingers constantly tapping as he created and backspaced different messages. His worries finally subsiding when he heard someone yell his name.

"Hey! Seonghwa!"

The boy looked up from his phone to see a familiar head of red hair maneuvering it's way through the slight crowd of students.


Seonghwa sighed with relief. He was happy to know he found the accurate spot. Though his eyes quickly landed on the girl trailing behind the other, staying rather close towards the red-haired teen.

"Sorry for being a bit late. There was an accident."

"It's fine, I actually thought I was at the wrong spot."

Seonghwa noticed the way the quiet teen tugged on the back of Hongjoong's jacket. The latter quickly turned his head towards her, giving her his full attention. Seonghwa only caught the words of her mentioning she's going to meet up with someone.

Hongjoong, with a gentle smile, nodded, and with that she was off. Except, she did give a shy smile towards Seonghwa, which he returned. It definitely bettered his first impression on her.

"Alright, let's get the tour started."

"Are you sure it's alright? I don't want you getting in trouble." Seonghwa was grateful the other offered his help, but at the same time he didn't want Hongjoong getting in unnecessary trouble.

"It's fine. My teachers understand, now let's go." Hongjoong smiled, starting the tour with the most important spot: the area his friends and him hang out during lunch.


Anyone would say being attacked was a scary feeling.

So, when there was a sudden shriek furnishing the hallways, most students ignored it once noticing it came from Wooyoung due to be jumped on by one of his friends.

"Did you need to jump on me?"

"Well, no. But San encouraged me to." She confessed as she got off the younger's back. Wooyoung sent a look towards said teen, practically asking if that was true.

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