Chapter 20

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Finally the day came.

The twins' 18th birthday.

Unlike most twins, Mingi and Kyungmi always loved sharing a birthday. Even when their parents suggested separate parties when they turned 10, the two were firm with keeping one party.

For them, the day wasn't about celebrating their individual selves, but instead the other. Mingi would always tell their parents to focus on buying gifts for his sister, seeing her happy was the best gift he could get. Unfortunately, for their parents, Kyungmi would say the same which left them in a complicated situation.

Most of the time, Mr. and Mrs. Song would go out and buy toys or other fun things their children might enjoy. Wasn't like at the time the twins got the gifts they didn't use them. They always did. And once they felt the object wasn't for them anymore, they would put said object into their donation box they had.

Their parents only feared Kyungmi and Mingi would feel they were viewed as one. Something which never once crossed their mind. Though there wasn't much need for separate parties either way. The two shared a friend group, and prior to their current friends, a lot of relatives would visit to celebrate with the family of four.  person.

Over the years it gotten easier for the parents since the twins would spend the day with their friends then the four would have dinner together. Except for this year with their father having to work from home and their mother physically going to work.

Though that didn't matter much since the younger twin attended her brother's class with him, with heavy anticipation for the girls to perform their birthday gift. Only it turned out to also be a dance for her as well, considering they told Mingi to teach them a second dance to surprise Kyungmi with. On their own, the girls combined both dances as one big surprise dance, which led both twins to crying. And also taking them to a restaurant down the street.

But, the twins did get to celebrate the next day with their parents. They paid a visit to their father's parents and spent time with them, with cake and all. Mingi and Kyungmi truly weren't expecting much, and never wanted their family to go overboard.

Then comes Sunday.

The day the boys have been waiting for. Seonghwa told the Song twins the friends plan to take them out. But that's all he said. And since he told them while in the middle of prepping, he left them no hints as well. Mingi and Kyungmi had no clue where their friends could take them though. All they were told from Yunho was to dress for swimming, and afterwards they'd be going to someone's house.


A very excited Kyungmi quietly snuck into her brother's room. And snuck literally means she crawled into the older twin's bedroom. She was only a couple steps away from the end of his bed when he begun stirring in his sleep.

The younger twin in a very quiet mumble started cursing at herself, hoping he would stay asleep. After a few minutes, she slowly peeked over the edge of the bed. His sleeping figure now still. Kyungmi carefully stood up and waited another couple minutes incase he started moving again.

The older of two groaned when he noticed his sister was the one jumping on the bed. His eyes then caught sight of the time. "Why are you so energetic today?"

"We need to get ready!" She continued jumping knowing he'll give in sooner than later. But instead he just groaned even louder.

"Give me one good reason why I should leave my bed."

This time she landed on her butt rather than feet next to him and pulled the blanket back. "It's our birthday!"

"Try again." He told her pulling the blanket over his head.

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