Chapter 5

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The school day was dreadfully long for Kyungmi. Not only did she not have the energy to pay attention and for tutoring after school, but Mingi barely spoke to her.

He didn't completely ignore her. He did say a few words to her, but for him to say hardly ten words throughout the five classes they shared she couldn't understand it.

She spent most of her time during classes and lunch wondering if she had done something to upset him. Nothing came to mind though. And she knew neither of the boys did anything because Mingi was a chatterbox with all seven of them.

Kyungmi even tried to confront the older twin during passing and at the end of the day. Mingi either quickly left the class, or stuck to Yunho's side. When the school day ended, he wasted no time going to Yunho's car, knowing his sister would be going with Hongjoong.

The real sign he was avoiding her?

She beat him home. He didn't even text her to make sure she got home either. Which if someone were to ask any of their friends, Mingi always remembered to text her no matter how busy he was.

"Mom, has Minnie came home yet?"

"No, he called saying he'll be out for a while with Jongho and Yunho. Why?"

Kyungmi thought about whether she should mention Mingi's strange behavior. "I just wanted to ask him about some notes from first period."

Mrs. Song simply nodded, though she could tell her daughter was hiding something. Her kids were as bad of liars as their father. But, she assumed whatever may be happening between her two kids was only something minor so she decided not to push.

"Are you still going over to Hongjoong's?" Mrs. Song asked instead.

"Yeah, he's going to pick me up in a few hours."

"Will you be eating dinner there as well?"

"Most likely. But I'll be home before it gets too late." Kyungmi promised her mother.

With nothing left to say, Kyungmi headed up to her room. Though, she was stopped little less than halfway up the stairs when her mother suddenly said, "how are things with you and Yeosang going?"

"Mom, we're just friends. That's it."

"Everyone's just friends until one confesses. Whether or not the confession is returned determines the real status of just friends, soulmates or more."

Luckily for Kyungmi, her mother couldn't see her roll her eyes. "Someday mom. But for now, I just want to get through this last week of school."

Mrs. Song hummed in response, a slight agreement to end the topic. "Alright, go do your homework and relax. I'll bring a snack up for you in a little while."

"Thanks mom!" Kyungmi called out, now at the top of the stairs. Before she Not necessarily slamming, but shutting the door hard enough for her mom to know not to disturb her unless necessary.

She spent the next fifteen minutes texting and calling Mingi. Still no response. Sighing, she tossed her phone towards the end of the bed and started putting her focus on finishing her essay on Yeosang.

Truth be told, she was struggling. Having to write the entire paper in English and the teacher wanting it at least two pages caused the teen even more stress than needed. Kyungmi knew she could've just waited until she met with Hongjoong but after his weird reaction to the two being partners, she decided it was for the best not to bring it up.

And if need be, she'll just go to San and hope he'll help her.


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