Chapter 22

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"Today's the day. Nervous?"

A question she's been asked a hundred times by her brother. Kyungmi hoped her brother realized by constantly asking if she's nervous didn't make her any less so.

"Of course I'm nervous. Still as nervous since the last time you asked four minutes ago."

"You shouldn't be. What's the worse that can happen?"

"I lose him?" The most obvious response, really.

Mingi shooed it off though. "That's nothing you should be fearful of."

"Says the one who couldn't do it himself."

"Hey!" The older Song pouted. "I was just scared he wouldn't feel the same."

"Minnie if there's anyone who shouldn't feel nervous it should have been you." She laughed turning to her brother, who was eating a late breakfast. "Like I've told you, all our friends were waiting for one of you to finally admit to your feelings."

"How long will you be with him for?"

"Not too long. Joongie wants to meet up and talk." She pulled at her sleeve, keeping her wrists covered. "Apparently something's been bothering him."

Mingi looked at her confused. "What do you mean? Like what?"

She shrugged. "He wouldn't say. He texted me if I could come over today since he's been meaning to tell me something. Told him I would after I have an important talk with Sangie. Then he left me on read."

"Isn't that a bit weird?"

"I guess, but you know he's always been there for me."

Mingi kept his mouth shut. Although he may have never mentioned it, he did notice what the older was putting his sister through. Not to the whole extent, but he was aware she hasn't been her normal, happy self.

"Just be safe. Yun will be coming over soon, so if you need a ride don't hesitate to call."

"I always do."


The sound of honking had cut him off, bringing much happiness to the younger twin. "Bye! See you later on," she said quickly hugging her brother before rushing out the house. The moment she got into the car, she let out a sigh of relief and Yeosang laughed. "You just saved me."

"Min on another one of his lectures?"

"Almost. You came before he could start. Though he's been at it since we woke up."

Yeosang smiled. "He just cares about you."

"A little too much," she mumbled laying her head back against the headrest. "And you're still alright with dropping me off at Hongjoong's right?"

"Yes Kyu." He softly laughed. "But what is it you wanted to tell me?"

"Uh, can it wait until we get there?"

"As long as you don't back out."

His words were meant as a joke, and she knew that. But the nerves only grew. "I won't." The two words more of a reminder for her than a promise to him.

He spared a glance towards her and saw how nervous she seemed. "Get some rest, I'll wake you when we get there."

"You sure?"

He placed a hand on top of hers. No words were needed as she sighed in defeat. Kyungmi got as comfortable as she could in the passenger seat, already yawning. "Promise to wake me the moment we're there?"

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