Chapter 1

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The past four, almost five, months went by quick for the group of friends. Especially for Seonghwa. It didn't take long for him to click with all eight of them. In fact, some couldn't even remember a time him not being with them as they created so many new memories.

Hongjoong was the most excited since he finally had someone his own age. Someone in most of his classes. Someone to take the place of being the eldest, though he just wanted to share that responsibility.

Yet, despite sharing almsot all the same classes, he didn't see the Seonghwa often. The older disappearing throughout the school day.

Hongjoong found it odd at first. But, he didn't want to pry. It didn't matter anyways. Seonghwa told him after the fifth time, and when he found out Hongjoong couldn't have felt any more grateful to Seonghwa at that point in their friendship.


The school day was going. For some it was flying by, and others it was a dread. Especially with it being just third period on a hot July day, students were finding any excuse to leave the classrooms. Whether it was to run an errand to the administration office, or find a way to just roam the hallways.

Which was exactly what Kyungmi did.

She had went to splash some water on her face in hopes it'll keep her awake for English next period.

On her way back from the restroom she felt like she heard someone whispering her name. Kyungmi looked behind herself, but the hallway was empty, with classrooms filled with students.

She shook the feeling and continued walking until she heard a loud whisper, "KyuKyu!!"

The teen turned around again to spot her twin's head poking around from the corner.

Noticing he has her attention, Mingi walked towards her with their friends (except Hongjoong and Jongho) following behind him, Seonghwa keeping a lookout for any teachers.

"Are you skipping classes? We only have a week left until break."

"Whaat? No," he said with a shake of the head. Kyungmi crossed her arms with a raised brow. Mingi's shoulders quickly deflated as he nodded. "Alright, yes."

"And whereㅡ actually nevermind. I don't want to know. If I know then I can't tell anyone I didn't."

"The beach. It's too hot to sit in all those classes."

"Mingi, we share most of the same classes."

"So you know! It's too hot. That's why we got the idea to skip. Yunho convinced Seonghwa to come with."

She chuckled, just wanting to get rid of her brother. "Whatever, just don't let mom find out. I'm not covering for you."

"Of course you will." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Hongjoong will be driving you home in case we aren't back in time."

"So, in other words I should find him at the end of the day regardless?"

"See, mom was right! You are the smarter one between us. Now get to class and no ditching!"

"You keep forgetting we're only two hours apart."

"Still an extra two hours I've been in the world than you," he smirked before running off with the boys.

"Yah! Keep an eye on my brother!" She called after them, most pretending they didn't hear her. Yeosang and Seonghwa turned though, signalling they'll keep an eye on the entire group.

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