part two

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⇉ the one where she meets the boys.

part two

Juno's feet pad softly on the wooden floors as she exits her room, latching it shut behind her with a soft click. It would've been wise to unpack first before leaving, but she decides to just procrastinate. She glances at the door beside hers, room 21, wondering if the grumpy white-haired boy from earlier is finally taking that long-awaited nap.

She does feel slightly guilty for causing such a ruckus. Instead of getting embarrassed, however, she just laughs to herself as she recalls that boy's annoyed expression. She's barely been here an hour, and has already managed to get on someone's nerves. Disappointing, but unsurprising. Juno sobers up quickly, though, when she realizes that she's going to have to be friendly and amiable in order to make new friends here.

"Well, f*ck it," she mutters to herself, a scowl forming on her lips. It's not like she can't be nice and outgoing, she just usually prefers not to be. It takes too much effort, and, truth be told, she's probably better off just being alone. The kids here are probably all crazy wackos anyway.

So is she, but that isn't the point.

Juno wanders around for a while, head held high even as she finally comes to the conclusion that she is hopelessly lost. She climbs the stairs to the fifth floor, looking around for somewhere to go. Her stomach rumbles loudly, and she decides that she needs food. All she's eaten that day was some cereal at breakfast - which she hadn't even finished because she was so furious about coming here. When she's angry, she has no appetite.

She comes upon a door, one that looks very different from all the other ones she's seen so far. Thinking nothing of it, she tries the handle, but it doesn't budge. Brows furrowing, she tries it again. It stays locked.

Suddenly, someone opens it from the inside. A pleasant-faced woman with a stern expression walks out, and Juno steps back. "No students are allowed past here," she informs, a brow raised.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Juno pivots on her heel to leave, but the woman's voice stops her.

"Are you new here?" she questions, sounding somewhat bewildered. "Most students already know to keep out of this floor, you see."

"Yes, I just arrived today."

"And what year are you in, dear?" The woman seems strangely contemplative.

"The last."

"Oh," she remarks, blinking rapidly. "How curious." Juno wants to ask her precisely what she means, but then she speaks again. "Is there anything in particular you need? It's a large school, so I understand if you're lost."

"As a matter of fact, I am," Juno smiles sheepishly. "Do you know where I can get some food?"

The woman gives her an understanding smile, a bit amused. "The cafeteria is on the second floor. Just walk straight forward from the stairs and you'll see it. Dinner is in a few hours, but there should be some snacks there you can feel free to take."

Juno bows respectfully. "Thank you." But she walks away unsettled, still able to feel the woman's eyes on her as she leaves.

The cafeteria is enormous. Oval and rectangular long tables, wooden chairs, stools, and even some couches are scattered throughout the large space. The windows stretch from floor to ceiling, displaying a pleasant view of the lush green manicured fields outside. To the right is what looks like an empty buffet setup with some doors in the back, most likely where the kitchens are. The entire place is lavishly decorated. But what snatches Juno's attention are the snack containers and receptacles spread out along the farthest back wall.

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