part twenty-one

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the one with detention and discoveries.

part twenty-one

The next day, they're sitting in detention.

After the eight of them had been caught the previous night by a teacher who looked like he was about to bring smoke out from his ears, he'd kicked them out of the place and unceremoniously slapped them with detention after school for the entirety of the week.

Juno didn't understand what the big deal was; it wasn't like they'd actually burned down the kitchen. Yet.

A snicker comes from beside her, and Juno looks down a few empty desks to where Jeno is sitting. His eyes are crinkled with mirth, obviously not paying attention to the homework in front of him. She quickly glances at the front of the classroom to see that the teacher has stepped out for a bit, and turns back to him. "What's so funny?"

Jeno doesn't even bother keeping his voice down when he replies. "I'm just remembering Mr. Kang's face when you asked him whether we could get our cookies first before leaving."

The others giggle too, looking up from whatever it is they're working on. Juno chuckles a little when she recalls the expression on the teacher's face when she'd asked that question. "Look, those cookies were made with our blood, sweat, and tears. I wasn't about to let them go so easily." Surprisingly, he'd actually let them collect their hard-won baked goods before being sent off to bed, and now Juno reaches into her bag to pull out the little container of them she'd nabbed from her room before coming to the classroom to serve her time.

Everyone gathers around to take a cookie - thankfully, they're the only ones inside the class today. Jisung shoots an uneasy look at the door. "We're gonna get in even more trouble," he says even as he hops up to sit on the desk beside her.

"Ms. Min's pretty chill," Mark comments, taking a bite. "I don't think she's gonna give us even more detention than we already have."

"But I hate that this is gonna go on my record," Renjun grumbles, pouting a little.

Juno leans over to poke his cheek. "Whatever, Mr. Perfect Student." Soon, she's reaching for another cookie. "Still, you gotta admit that these are pretty damn good."

"I know, I did a great job," Jaemin brags, just to rile her up.

Juno just glares, refusing to take the bait. Haechan quirks a brow at his friend. "You singlehandedly started the food fight."

"It was an accident!"

"I've showered, like, three times since last night and I'm still finding flour in my hair." Chenle runs his fingers through his bright orange locks. "And I swear I've been smelling butter all day."

"Don't worry, these are great memories we're making." Juno leans back, nonplussed.

"I guess last night was worth the week's worth of detention," Jeno muses, turning to look at her. "You're something else, you know that? Not sure if that's good or bad yet, but you're definitely something."

"Aww, stop making me feel so special," Juno smirks.

"Yeah, stop," Haechan adds. She rolls her eyes at him.

"Noona, you're the first real friend I've had who's a girl." Jisung smirks, his almost perfectly matching the one on her own face. "So yeah, you should feel special."

"What do you mean, first "real" friend? You got imaginary ones?" Juno shakes her head at him. "And by the way, you've been spending way too much time with me." It's true; his mannerisms are subconsciously beginning to mirror hers. "And come on, you're cute enough; there must be lots of girls around."

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