part fifty-three

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the one with the truth.

part fifty-three


"Hey." Reina watches Ri-el shrug off her sweater, laying it over the back of her desk chair. "Where were you?"

"Library." Ri-el fixes her bangs in the mirror. "What have you been up to all day?"

"Not much. Did some reading. Some homework. And I cleaned up the entire dorm, too." Reina's eyes don't leave her roommate, hawk-like. "I found some stuff we thought we'd lost, under all the mess."

"Really?" Ri-el's fingers stall over her hair. "Like what?"

Reina regards this girl, her roommate, her best friend, her longest friend, for a brief moment. Then she steels herself, pushing her frame off the bed. "Ri. There are a few things I want to ask you. Are you free?"

Ri-el's eyes snap to her and then back to the mirror. "Um, not exactly-"

"It will only take a minute," Reina interrupts.

It has been a very long time since Ri-el has heard her friend's voice like this: hard, resolute, and unflinching. One glance at Reina's face must be enough to alert her to the severity of the situation, because she sighs and drops into the chair, crossing her legs at the ankles. "Alright. What's the matter?"

Reina is silent for a beat. Then she says, "I found the list."

Ri-el goes very, very still. She blinks once, twice. Something flashes across her face, but her brow clears quickly. "What list?"

"The list." Reina's knuckles are white from clenching her fist so hard. "Our hit list."

"Oh." Ri-el sits back in the chair, affecting an airy tone. "Where'd you find it?"

"Under your mattress."

"That can't be right." Ri-el folds her arms across her chest, expression shifting seamlessly into one of confusion. "I was sure that we lost it. Well, maybe I put it there after we made it and just don't remember."

"Yeah, maybe." Reina's eyes darken. "Or maybe you lied to me."

"What? Why would I do that?" Ri-el straightens. "What reason would I have for lying to you about what happened to the list?"

"I'm not sure, but I do have a working theory. Listen to it and let me know how accurate it is." And there is something in Reina's voice that tells Ri-el that this isn't going to end well. Reina stalks closer. "I don't think we ever lost the list. You knew exactly where it was this entire time; with you. But you said we'd lost it because you were hoping to draw my attention elsewhere, to this so-called person who'd somehow managed to find and steal it."

"What? Draw your attention where?" Ri-el asked, sounding thoroughly baffled.

"Away from you." Reina's hands grasp the armrests of Ri-el's chair, and she leans down until their faces have mere millimeters between them. "Because you had plans for that list, didn't you? From day one."

A surprised chuckle escapes Ri-el's lips. "Rei... I don't understand. This is me, remember? Why are you accusing me of these things?"

Her tone is so sincerely hurt that Reina draws back, courage evaporating momentarily. But she refuses to back down. "Do you want to know what I found the most interesting?"

Ri-el doesn't answer.

Reina doesn't wait for her to. "The first four names were all crossed off," she says.

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