Part 13

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noah pov: her face drops and all happiness disappears from her cheerful little face. "what is it?" i ask as i move towards where dixie stood and look down at the cake. the text written on it angers me. what the actual fuck. i grab the cake and throw it in the bin angrily and i go to hug and comfort dixie. how could he- 

we both know who sent it. there's no question about it. the only person i can imagine saying this to dixie. griffin. her ex-boyfriend. i never knew he could get to this level. this is disrespectful as shit. he crossed the line. i feel like punching him in the face right now but i refrain from it and instead of comfort dixie. "hey hey, look at me" i tell her but her eyes remain fixed somewhere, probably nowhere. i tilt her face towards mine. she snaps out of whatever she was in. a tear stream down her eye. i wipe it off. "shush, its okay," i tell her and hug her tighter. "i am so so sorry" i tell her. "please dont be sad" i say. she holds on to me tighter and i feel the tears dropping on my hoodie. "babe, its alright" i say. "please dont cry" i add kissing her head almost tearing up myself. she stops slowly and wipes her own tears before looking up at me fully. her lips pursed together in a straight line. "I'll just go touch up my makeup and then we can go wherever you wanted to take me" she says. "no dixie wait, are you okay?" i ask. she nods. "no, but i will be once I'm out of this house and with you" she says with a small smile and i return it. "okay,go" i say and she goes to touch up her makeup or cry more. i have a feeling both but i let her be.


dixie pov: why? why did he do it? why did he send me that? does he hate me that much? does he have no self-respect for him or respect for me at all? is this what all is left of him. his personality. being a fucking disrespectful bastard? who does this on someone's fucking birthday! the amount of sadness and hurt it caused goes deep into my heart. it shouldn't affect me. he's an asshole. i know that. his words are like pieces of shit to me, but his text hit deeper than reminding me of him and our relationship. it reminded me of what the whole world thought of me. 

like a piece of shit. that's who i was in most people's eyes. even though i had millions of people who loved me, the hate always seemed bigger. didn't it? and this wasn't something i liked to think about often. at least not on my birthday, a day i am supposed to celebrate and be happy on. i can't be sad about this. this is what he wants. to ruin everything. my birthday. my life. my relationship. everything. and i won't let him. never in a million years. that douchebag wasn't getting what he wanted and that's for sure.


Noah pov: she walks out with her makeup touched up and hair straighter and she actually looks more confident and happier. i dont ask her about it, about how she feels, I'm sure she is trying to forget about it. she tells me she has to click the pictures of the cakes first so she does that and asks me to click pictures of her in the sun. she smiles and plays around with the plants, leftover confetti, plastic crowns and i do a little photo shoot with her and when we're done we decide to go. i tell her to drive and she agrees and grabs her car keys and we head down to the parking lot.


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