What did I do...?

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Mahiru and the others were far away from the hotel as he looked down at the ground. Mahiru looked at his hands as he was trembling "W-What did I do...?" Mahiru choked out those words.

It wasn't only him that was trembling, Mahiru noticed the others were too. "D-Did you guys lose control too...?" Mahiru asked them as they nodded. "Y-Yeah. My gloves froze...and I f-froze people too..." Licht stutters those words out.

Mahiru looked at Licht "My gloves burnt off and I-I...burned people...alive." Mahiru told Licht and the others. Mikuni looked down trembling still like the rest of them.

"Mikuni. Did you make the hotel crumble?" Misono asked his older brother as Mikuni nodded "I-I didn't mean to...the words...just came out..." Mikuni replied to his younger brother.

Izuna was in tears as Niccolo was covering his eyes with his hands. Tetsu was looking at the ground scared. Misono was on the ground hugging his knees tightly.

Both Licht and Mahiru kept staring at their hands that were still shaking. "What now..." Tetsu asked them as they all looked at each other. "It's best that we stay away from people." Izuna tells them all.

Mahiru nodded in agreement "I agree. We can't be around them, I can feel it. I'm losing it..." Mahiru told them as they looked at him. "Your humanity." Mikuni asked as he nodded.

So it's not just Izuna that's feeling it. "Me too..." Izuna whispered but they heard her as they looked at her. "So it's not just any of us." Misono says as she shook her head.

"It's like my human side is disappearing, my thoughts are starting to think of only freezing everything in my way." Licht tells them as they all looked at him.

Just by looking at them Izuna can tell that they all are going through the same thing. "I guess we're already thinking of destroying everything now." Niccolo tells them.

Izuna looked down scared of what she'll become. "I'm scared...I hate this..." Izuna told them as more tears started streaming down. 'I hate this! I just want everything to go back to normal!' Izuna yelled in her mind.

Izuna felt someone hug her, she looked up to see that it was Tetsu "I know, we all feel the same. We had to give up the most important people to us all." Tetsu told her.

'That's right. We're doing this to protect those around us especially the ones that are important to us. Freya...I miss you so much...I hope your doing okay.' Izuna thought to herself as she started crying.

Mikuni was still shaken up by what happened, they all killed people. Like the others Mikuni can only start thinking of destroying and killing people.

They're losing their humanity and they all hate it. All of them were glad they broke their contracts so they wouldn't be able to hurt them. Mikuni looked to see Tetsu hugging Izuna.

Mikuni lifted his hands up to see that it was still trembling. "I-I killed people...I made them die by...taking their oxygen away..." Misono stuttered as he was scared.

Of course they would be scared they all killed people and they were all scared to know what would happen next. "We need to keep moving and we have to stay away from people from now on." Mikuni told them.

They nodded understanding, they probably don't want to hurt anyone again. Once it was settled and they decided to start walking away again.

To Tokyo

In Tokyo where the Servamps are currently at right now. "Guys turn on the tv now!" Lawless/Hyde shouted as he slammed open the hotel room that they are staying in.

The other six Servamp's looked at their brother "Is it important?" Gluttony/Lldio asked the fifth servamp, Lawless/Hyde nodded "Yeah it is!" He told them as Sleepy Ash/Kuro turned the tv on to the news.

"Breaking News! There was a massacre in a hotel two towns away, it was burnt down and crumbled down. Not only that but inside was frozen and some victims were frozen. Survivors say there were seven people that had unknown powers and was the cause of the destruction."

The seven servamps were now afraid hoping that their eves were not killed or anywhere near that hotel. "We need to hurry and find them." Wrath/Freya tells her brothers.

They nodded "Let's start searching for them tomorrow." Lust/Lily tells them as they agreed. But they couldn't get their eves out of their minds. They were so worried about their eves a lot.

'Please be safe!'

To be continued

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