The Envy Pair

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Jeje glanced at Mikuni and thought 'Hm. Mikuni has been acting very strange. He was being quiet and thinking about something. I wonder what is going on in that guys head sometimes.'

Jeje felt that was really weird because Mikuni usually grabs his bags and hides them from him. Not to mention Mikuni would always judge him for making modeled boats and putting them in glass.

'He's been really distance from me and not tricking me or ordering me around at all. I'm actually starting to get worried about my stupid eve.' Jeje thought to himself.

Jeje wondered if something happen to his stupid eve, but he shook his head. Even so Jeje knew that something was definitely wrong with Mikuni.

Right now Jeje was working on one of his modeled boats and managed to get it into its glass bottle. So he didn't mind if Mikuni was quiet since he could get it done but he does plan to find out what Mikuni is hiding.

*Explosion Outside*

Mikuni was reading a book as he was lost in thought still. 'That man said we will be less human when our powers awaken. That means whatever powers we get we need to be careful.'

But Mikuni does wonder what kind of powers that they will get especially himself. He hopes they aren't too dangerous at all. He sighed as he was thinking of so many things.

Mikuni looked up to see Jeje building one of his ships in a bottle. He smiled a little at seeing his eve enjoy it. Mikuni been keeping a distance from them making sure he doesn't hurt Jeje.

'Man I really want to tease him or take those dumb bags away from his head. But...I can't because I might hurt him while I play around with him.' Mikuni thought to himself.

Mikuni haven't even told Johannes about the situation that he and the other eves are in right now. Even if he did he was positive that Johannes would want to experiment on them.

"None of us wants to get anyone involved." Mikuni whispered to himself. "Did you say something Mikuni...?" Jeje asked him still finishing his ship in a bottle.

Mikuni smiled "Nope~! Just thinking of what to do now, hahaha." Mikuni playfully tells Jeje as the servamp sighed in annoyance.

Mikuni looked back at the book he was supposedly reading. Mikuni read a few pages 'This book isn't that bad at all but I do wish that tall building will just explode.' He thought to himself.

The eve turned the page *Explosion Outside* he looked up "What was that?" Mikuni asked as Jeje stood up "I'm not sure." Jeje answered Mikuni. They both went outside to see a tall building exploding.

At seeing that made Mikuni eyes widen, he saw the building in the magazine exploding. 'That has to be a coincidence right. But there was no news about a bomber was this my fault...' Mikuni thought to himself.

It was quiet for a few seconds "I wonder what happened...?" Jeje asked Mikuni. "I'm not sure probably a bomber or someone playing a prank." Mikuni couldn't tell Jeje that he wished it.

Jeje looked at his eve as he walked back inside as Mikuni followed behind. 'This is not good at all if anything I say or think that I wish to happen will actually come true.' Mikuni thought as he was afraid.

Mikuni shook his head 'What happens if I get mad at Jeje or someone else and wished for them to die or get hurt badly. That would not be good at all. This is dangerous.' Mikuni clutched his fist.

'I don't want anyone hurt especially Jeje. I care to much to see him hurt.'

To be continued

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