Lets Find Them!

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It was time for the servamps to go and search for Licht and the other eves. Lawless/Hyde hoped no they all hoped that they are all alright and that they will be able to find them.

The seven servamps left during the day they didn't care if they were in their animal forms. They just wanted to find their eves "Where do we begin?" Lawless/Hyde asked his brothers and sister.

"Maybe we should go and check outside of the city." Sleepy Ash/Kuro suggested as they all looked at him "Not a bad idea big brother." Lawless/Hyde agreed with his eldest brother.

The others also agreed with him "Yeah. Let's go and check out there." Gluttony/Lldio says as they all nodded and started walking so they can leave.

Hopefully when they leave the city right away they can find Mahiru and the others fast. They all really hoped that they can find their eves and protect them from whatever is after them.

"How far is that destroyed hotel?" Pride/Hugh asked as Gluttony/Llidio looked at his phone "Three days away by walking." He told Pride/Hugh as they all looked at him.

They saw their eldest brother still walking "Brother you don't care if we walk for three days?" Lawless/ Hyde asked Sleepy Ash/Kuro as he stopped "I do care but I want to find Mahiru."

Sleepy Ash/Kuro doesn't like the idea of walking for three days but he wants to find Mahiru. He doesn't want Mahiru to feel any pain and Sleepy Ash/Kuro hopes Mahiru didn't get hurt at that destroyed hotel.

"I called Krantz, he said he'll send us a car." Sleepy Ash/ Kuro looked at Lawless/Hyde who has his phone out. "We can get there faster by car." Wrath/ Freya agrees about taking a car.

The others nodded while looking at them "I guess it will be faster. How long do we have to wait?" Gluttony/ Lldio asked his brother Lawless/Hyde.

Lawless/Hyde looked at his phone "Not that long brother. It should be here very soon." He answered him as he nodded. Since it was sunny out they brought umbrellas with them so they don't transform to their animal forms. 'Mahiru where are you...?' Sleepy Ash/ Kuro thought to himself as he felt a hand on his leg.

Sleepy Ash/ Kuro looked down to see that it was Pride/ Hugh that has his hand on his leg. "We all want to know where they are Sleepy Ash." Pride/ Hugh told Sleepy Ash/ Kuro.

"Yeah I know. I'm just want to know where he is and why he ran away especially break our contract. I no we will find out their reasons for leaving." Sleepy Ash/Kuro said as he scratched his cheek.

Lawless/Hyde put his arm around him "Wow brother didn't think you could say something like that." Lawless/Hyde says with a grin.

Wrath/Freya Pov

'Brother Sleepy Ash looks embarrassed as Brother Lawless keeps teasing him.' Wrath/Freya smiled a little to herself. "I'm glad those two are getting along much better now." Wrath/Freya whispered quietly.

Gluttony/Lldio walked next to Wrath/Freya "Glad to see them getting along too." He says to me as Wrath/Freya nodded "Yes I been hoping that Lawless would forgive brother."

He nodded with a small smile but that changed quickly "But now we need to focus on finding that idiot and those other idiot eves." Gluttony/Lldio says to Wrath/Freya.

Two black cars pulled up as two people got out of the first one, Lawless/Hyde ran up to the man. One of them was Krantz, Licht manager. "Thanks Krantz!" Lawless/Hyde tanked the human.

Krantz smiled at Lawless/Hyde "Keep calling me Hyde because I will bring Licht-tan back." Krantz looked into Lawless/Hyde eyes to see that he was serious. "Very well Hyde. Here are the key for this car right here and make sure to bring them all back." Krantz told Hyde as he smiled and nodded to him.

Lawless/Hyde took the keys as he looked at it "It's pretty big." Lawless/Hyde says. "Yes. There are seven of you after all and you plan to bring Licht and the other eves back too. So I figured a big one would be great."

"Won't the sun hit us?" Krantz looked to see that it was Sleepy Ash/Kuro that spoke up. Krantz smiled at them then handed Lawless/Hyde an envelope and a piece of paper.

Lawless/Hyde looked confused "When Licht and the others left I decided to get these all made for you because I figured you would want to find them. The car windows are tinted so the sun won't hit you and this paper gives you permission to have them on the car. And in the envelope is all of your guys ID's." Krantz explained to the servamp.

They all smiled as Lawless/Hyde gave them their ID's "Thanks again Krantz." Lawless/Hyde thanked Krantz again as he nodded "Make sure to bring them back even if you have to drag them back." Krantz told them all.

They all nodded "We will." Gluttony/Lldio answered for all of them. "Alright I'll be going now." Krantz told them as he and the driver that drove the big car walked to the smaller one.

Krantz turned again, they nodded at them and Krantz nodded back. Krantz went in the car as they drove off 'I wish them all luck.' Krantz thought to himself.

Wrath/Freya looked at the car "Let's start getting in the car." She told her brothers as they nodded but stopped "Wait who's gonna drive?" Gluttony/Lldio asked.

Lawless/Hyde stepped up "I'll drive I know how too!" He happily tells them as they all nodded. "Let's go." Sleepy Ash/Kuro says to them.

With that they all go in the car. Lawless/Hyde was in the driver seat. Sleepy Ash/Kuro was in the seat next to him in the front while the rest were in the back.

"Let's find our eves!"

To be continued

Servamp Our Broken Bonds (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon