The Pride Pair

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Hugh was watching Tetsu cleaning outside for his parents. 'Hmm. This is weird usually Tetsu would allow me to be near him but he won't let me help him.' Hugh thought to himself while watching his eve.

Hugh noticed the distance between him and Tetsu and wondered if he was still mad at him for only using him for his blood and order him around. Hugh shook his head because Tetsu forgave him and they made a permanent contract this time. Tetsu even allowed Hugh to keep the name still.

'So something is way off about Tetsu. He looks like he's worried about something.' Hugh thought. "Tetsu why don't we take a break and have tea together." I asked him with a smile.

Tetsu flinched a little as he kept scrubbing "Sorry Hugh. I got to get this clean." He told his servamp. Hugh looked at him with a sad expression "Did I do something wrong Tetsu?" Hugh asked Tetsu.

He didn't face him "No. You didn't do anything wrong Hugh." Tetsu faces Hugh with a smile "Been quite busy these days." He told Hugh as he nodded at his eve.

'I know Tetsu would never lie to me.' Hugh thought to himself. "You should watch tv and have some snack Hugh." Tetsu tells him "Alright." Hugh left to watch tv and eat some snacks.

Tetsu looked at the direction Hugh went 'He's done nothing's me. I'm afraid to hurt you Hugh.' Tetsu thought to himself. He went back to cleaning the men's area still, Tetsu still can't get his mind off of what that guy said. 'He wants us to kill him so he making us become less human?'

'He also said that he gave all of us powers to so shorty and the others will also get powers. But I might end up hurting Hugh with these powers that I will get. I won't be just hurting him I'll be hurting everyone around me and I don't want that. I know none of us want that.' Tetsu thought to himself.

The eve was so mad that he noticed that the water was moving "Did the water just moved?" Tetsu asked himself as suddenly it shot up right away making Tetsu slipped but he was caught.

Instead of falling and hitting that rock with his head he was saved by water. "Did I use the water...?" Tetsu whispered as he stood up saw that the water splashed down onto the ground.

Tetsu tried to make the water move just to confirm that it was his doing. Sadly it was Tetsu that made the water shot up and had it save him. He knew this power could be dangerous especially around Hugh and his parents.

'I don't want to hurt anyone so please someone take this power away from me...why did that guy have to give this power to me...'

To be continued

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