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Misono looked so tired and just wanted to rest now "I can't take this anymore!" Misono yelled as the others turned to look at him "What's wrong Misono?" Mahiru asked Misono. "We haven't had a decent meal or rest in days." Misono told him.

They all barely just realized it "Idiots..." Misono whispered as Licht glared at him. 'I forgot he has good hearing too.' Misono thought to himself "Why don't we stay at a hotel for the night."

They looked at Mikuni holding a credit card in his hand "But wouldn't they be able to track us with that?" Izuna asked Mikuni who hummed with a smile.Mikuni shook his head "This card here is my secret card that Jeje or Johannes don't know about. It has all the money in it from what I earned during my travels." He told them.

"I see." Niccolo says as they all agreed to stay the night at a nearby hotel that has a buffet in it. They were all starving that they all had like four or five plates for themselves.

Izuna is getting her own room since she's a girl while Niccolo and Mikuni share a room, Licht and Mahiru share a room, Misono and Tetsu are sharing a room too. Of course Mikuni wanted to share a room with Misono but he got a kick from him instead.

They all went to their rooms to get some rest since they have been traveling for days now. "Are we staying for a night or two?" Niccolo asked Mikuni as he didn't look up from his book.

"I booked our stay for three days. I thought we would need some more rest." Mikuni told Niccolo as he nodded. "I agree. We been have been traveling without a decent rest or meal." Niccolo agreed with Mikuni.

We talked for a while until we decided to go to bed. We laid in the comfy and warm bed as we fell asleep right away.

(Next Day)

Licht slowly opened his eyes because the sun was hitting him. Licht covered his face with a pillow "Just let me sleep for five more minutes..." Licht whispered as he tried to go back to sleep.


Someone yawned and Licht was sure Mahiru is awake now "Licht? Are you awake?" Mahiru asked tiredly as he nodded with a thumbs up. "The sun woke me up..." Licht answered Mahiru.

Mahiru was rubbing his eyes with his hands, Licht sees him still wearing gloves. "Don't you get tired of wearing those?" Licht asked Mahiru as he gets off his bed. "A little bit but I don't really have a choice in the matter."

'He's right...he's not the only one sometimes I need to wear gloves and Niccole needs to wear sunglasses now. We all need to wear something now so we don't lose control.' Licht thought to himself.

The self proclaimed Angel wants to find the man that did this to them, and he wants to kill the man. "Licht you should get ready so we can go get some breakfast." Mahiru tells Licht as he nodded.

Licht went to take a shower first then it was Mahiru, then they brushed their teeth and got changed. The two met the others downstairs in the lobby to get something to eat.

"Before we leave we should buy snacks for the road." Tetsu suggested as they all nodded in agreement. "Yeah so we don't spend lots of money going to restaurants or something." Misono agreed with Tetsu.

Izuna looked at Misono "You do know it won't be anything fancy right?" She asked Misono as he sighed "Yes I know that. Since we're kinda like runaways we can't have anything fancy." He told Izuna.

Licht smirked a little "Learning to handle regular food which you call commoner food." Licht teased Misono as the little midget looked away "Of course I am! It's not like I have a choice either!" He yelled embarrassed now.

With that they went to go eat and talk about what they will do next after they leave. They all hoped that the servamps siblings are doing well without them...

To be continued

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