how would you feel

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based on the song with the same title by Ed Sheeran

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The wild summer sky above was full of vivid colours, like an impressionist painting where one can see each hard-working brush stroke of the painter. As it was sunset, today's summer was less hot than days before. A faint breeze blew by and you inhaled the scent of the fresh green grass of the hills.

The sound of camera snapping a picture brought you out from your tranquil thoughts. Duke just took a picture of the sky and was smiling at his camera.

"Last time I checked you're more of  portrait photographer, Duke," you said. "And I'm the one who likes nature and landscape."

Duke chuckled, glancing at you then back to his camera. "I had to race you to it. Take a picture and it'll last longer, you know."

His cheeks were brushed pink like the clouds above you.

"Can I see?" You asked.

Duke handed you his camera and sat leisurely beside you on the trunk (hood if you want) of the car.

He always does the photography excellently, you think to yourself as you switched between three pictures he had taken. You smiled at one when you noticed a small cloud in the background that has a shape of a heart.

"These are beautiful," you told Duke, glancing at him and catching him staring at you.

"Thank you." He smiled. "You can still take pictures if you want. It's your area after all."

"It's alright. You raced me to it anyway, and my camera's in my car. I don't feel like leaving this spot for a while."

"You can use mine." Duke nodded to his camera still on your hands.

"I have to changed the setting though."

He shrugged, giving you another smile. "I could change it back."

"If you say so." You changed the camera's settings a little bit.

Duke watched you silently and admiringly as you took pictures like the professional you are. He noticed your small hand movements and facial expressions when you are ready to take a picture. A strand of hair fell to the side of your face and he fought the urge to tuck it away, wanting you stayed focus on your art. He saw each of your hardwork and his admiration for you just sparked another flame inside of him. The faint breeze came by again and he smelled your (scent of your choice) scent.

Your last snapped picture brought him out of his adoring thoughts.

"Done," you said and you looked at the pictures you took. Duke scooted closer to you to see as well.

"Those are far beautiful than mine," Duke complimented. "It's like mine's taken by baby compared to yours."

"You are a baby," you joked... half-heartedly. Duke always looked cute in your eyes and you always let it pass as jokes when you compliment each other.

"Yours are beautiful too. The clouds had better formation earlier and it was a lot brighter," you continued.

"That was a smart move then?" asked Duke with a smirk.

"That was a very smart move for a baby."

"Y/N! DUKE! The hotdogs are ready if you want hot buns!" One of your friends in the camping site called you and the slow-paced time that you and Duke had alone together seemed to be running again.

Duke helped you get down of the trunk/hood even though it was low enough. You passed him his camera and agreed to transfer the files later after eating late supper.

beep boop beep boop time skip

Duke emerged from his tent and walked to yours, only to find you weren't there. He found you in your car, scrolling through your laptop in the silence of the darkness. He knocked on the window and laughed when you jumped inside.

"You dum-dum! You scared me!" You yelled at him when he joined you inside the car.

"Yeah, I literally saw your soul leave your body!" He continued to laugh and you shake your head at him.

Later on when he finally calmed down from his feat of giggles, he passed the memory of his camera but held it back before you could touch it.

"Don't look at the other pictures I've taken," he told you with a very serious tone.

You raised an eyebrow at him and a small teasing smile formed on your lips. "Why? What has the Duke Depp be keeping secrets? Do you have nudes in this?" You whispered the last part and you chuckled to yourselves.

"Just don't." Duke gave you the memory card, trusting you of whatever's inside it. He sat with a bit nervousness as you inserted the card into the slot. Its contents popped up and Duke hoped you didn't notice him gulp.

"Can I have a copy of yours too?" You asked.

"My what?"

"Your pictures too, of the sky. I told you, they looked pretty."


You hinted Duke's nervousness in his voice. Silently smiling to yourself, you closed the tab with one last look at the stolen pictures of yourself taken by Duke. You handed him back the card and closed your laptop.

"Would you like me to walk you back to your tent?" Duke asked, fiddling with the small card in his hands.

"I don't feel like going back yet," you answered.

"Me too." Duke nodded. "Do you want to... watch the stars or something?"

"I'd love that."

You climbed the roof of the car and sat beside each other. You rested your head on Duke's shoulder and he returned the gesture by holding your hand. Both of your hearts were hammering on your chests and butterflies stormed in your stomachs. Time slowed down again in your calm and quiet company.

"I love you," Duke blurted.

You lifted your head from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes.

"You know, I saw you smile and I know you saw those pictures," he elaborated, looking into your eyes too. Full of mutual adoration... and maybe even love.

You smiled and leaned closer to him. When your lips touched, time did a full stop so that the stars and the heavens can capture the moment and how it'll last longer. Warm and soft lips against each other, you felt your heart burst out of your chest and Duke pulled you closer to him.

The peaceful night sky above was full of stars and the bright first quarter moon, like an surrealist's painting. Midnight was drawn to be near and gust of warm air blew by. You and Duke stayed in each other's arms, listening to the forest's lullaby and to each other's heartbeats.

Soft Duke Depp ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now