bad nut, bad day

99 3 7

requested by: amberlovesdukedepp

CW // angst, strong words

a reminder that duke loves you no matter what and he won't say these things to you. also if duke ever reads this, this is only fictional and there's no way he will be called by these insults nor will he be this violent 'cuz he's a (smexy) cinnamon roll and please don't take this seriously.

~ ~ ~

The door of the office flew open and hit the adjacent wall. Duke marched out, rolling his eyes with you following behind him, yelling.

"You've been in there for hours! Have you even given yourself a break?" You asked him as you arrived to the bedroom.

"I can give myself a time out if I want to. You don't have to remind me every second, Y/N. Don't you know it's annoying when you're literally on my face all the time?" He opened his closet to get the Willy costume. He slammed it shut and walked across the bed, bumping into your shoulder.

"I'm just worried about you!"

"Why do you care so much, huh?! I told you -- I can take care of myself and my personal health is my own personal business." He grabbed the light ring and was about to go out but you raced to the door, blocking his way.

"Move aside, Y/N," he said, not even looking at you.

"No!" You stared down at him even if he can't meet your eye. "Duke, I can see how much you're tiring yourself for the past week just to what? Film these silly videos, edit them for hours in the office, post then make more? You're being selfish!"

You pushed his chest, which made him look at you. He clenched his jaw and curled his fist. He had a furious look underneath his dark eyes.

"You're calling me selfish now?!" He yelled back, dropping the clothes to the floor and pointing at you. "Big words coming from you and your lazy ass. Tell me -- has it ever crossed your stupid mind that I'm doing this for the both of us? And what about you, as far as I know you try a hobby just to throw it out the window. Now move!"

"Don't turn this about me, Duke! If you're doing this for the both of us, then at least let me take care of you too, when you're clearly incapable of doing it yourself."

"I'm incapable?" He scoffed. "Do you have anything else to add to the list -- I'm stupid, selfish, incapable--"

"And you don't love me anymore! You ignore me, you don't listen to me, hell this is the first time we talked to each other for more than 5 seconds this week! You've become so... so irritating, and annoying, a-and foolish, uncaring, and you just don't love me anymore!"

Duke took a step back, biting the inside of his cheek. Shaking his head, he said, "I can't believe what I'm hearing. I need some air."

Duke bumped into your shoulder as he went through the corridor. You ran, following him to his keys.

"Go leave me alone, Duke, sure! It's not like you always leave, never tell me where you go and then--"

"Will you just shut up?!" Duke accidentally hits an empty vase, it fell to the floor and smashed into tiny fragments.

Silence as you and Duke stood between the mess. He sighed as you shed another tear. Without another word spoken, he left the apartment.

The rest of your wall crumbled down, tears streamed from your eyes like waterfall, and every piece of your being felt like it left when Duke stepped out of that door.

. . .

You were asleep on the couch, a thick blanket wrapped around you when you felt a soft lips against on your forehead.

Duke watched as your eyes fluttered open. He brushed your hair, a sad smile on his face.

"Duke?" You whispered.

"Hey, I'm sorry," he mumbled.

You sat up, keeping your hands to yourself while Duke knelt in front you. His eyes stayed on his hands resting on your knees.

"I really sorry that I got angry at you, honest. I'm really sorry if I shouted at you and I hurt you real bad. I won't do it again and I'll listen to you next time."

He looked up to you, gently taking your hands and kissing them.

"You're right, I wasn't thinking for the both of us-- No, I wasn't thinking at all. I'm that stupid, I know."

A small smile formed on your lips and gave hope to Duke. He leaned closer to you, his eyes gazing on your beautiful features.

"But I know it too that I love you, Y/N, no matter what. I love you even when we get angry at each other and we fight. I love you every second of everyday.

And if the day ever comes that I don't love you, I hope I wake up from that nightmare because you are the someone I can't live without.

I'm really sorry, Y/N. I love you so much."

He drooped his head and kissed your hands again. You slipped one of your hands and ran it on his soft hair. You kissed his head sincerely.

"I'm sorry too," you whispered, wrapping your arms around him. "You love making those videos because you love making people happy. I should've understand that in the first place."

"It's okay. We all make mistakes."

"It was just the case of a bad nut syndrome, isn't it?" 

He chuckled. "The bad nut had a bad day, but he's doing better now. I bought donuts, wanna watch a movie?"

"Totally. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?"

"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

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I'm really sorry this took weeks to finish. But hey, donuts *winks unsuccessfully*

Have a good day everyone and get some rest, we all need it lol

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