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so while i was writing new imagines, duke coincidentally tweeted at the time and bam! new imagine inspiration. hope he's doing okay tho <3


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"Duke! I'm home!" You called out to your boyfriend as you entered the apartment. You think to yourself that he might be sleeping since you didn't get a reply. You washed your hands and face thoroughly in the kitchen and changed clothes in the bedroom.

However, Duke was not in the bedroom like you thought. He might be in his office, editing videos and stuff. You went there and knocked first on the first, in case he was too focused and doesn't want to be bothered.

"Hey Duke--?" But he wasn't there either.

You were sure you saw his shoes on the shoe rack, and his car and  apartment keys were also the last place you saw them. Where had he gone to?

"Duke, where are you?" You ventured into the hallways, looking for him with the thought that he might be having a little game of hide and seek with you. He's always been a fun and playful guy.

"Duckyyy, come out, come out wherever you are," You sing-song as you went back to the living room, searching behind and under the furniture. You checked the bedroom again where you found his phone, the closet containing both of your clothes, his office, the bathroom. Nowhere. The apartment was silent, too silent.

"Duke?" You opened the dark storage room, the last place you haven't checked.

He was there, sitting in the corner with the dust. The light coming from outside made him look away and scoot more into the lonely corner.

You approached him gently and sat in front of him. You then noticed the tears brimming his eyes, his quivering lips, and trembling posture.

"Bad day, was it?" You asked softly. Duke stayed quiet, eyes looking away.

"May I hold your hand?" Duke nodded and you carefully held his hand, intertwining your fingers and rubbing circles with your thumb. You kissed the back of his hand and placed it close to your warm cheek, making Duke feel.

"Breathe with me, Duke. Inhale... exhale..."

His hand went to tightly grabbed yours. His chest raised up and down slowly as both of you did breathing patterns. His eyes turned softer in the light, gazing at yours.

Inhale, exhale... easy as one, two, three

You shifted to his side and he cuddled closer to you, resting his head on our chest while you wrap a reassuring arm around him. You played with his hair, fiddled with his fingers, and hummed a lullaby for him. When you feel he's becoming less stressed, you kissed his head.

"It's kind of dark in here, don't you think?" You whispered to him.

Duke nodded in response. He traced shapes on your palm.

"And dusty too. Do you wanna move to the bed?"

"Okay," his voice cracked.

You helped him up and held his hand as you walked to the bedroom, taking small steps. You covered him with the thick blanket and kissed his nose.

"Do you want me to make you some hot choco?" You asked him.

"Please stay with me," he replied, tugging on your hand.

"As long as you want." You laid beside him and wrapped your arms around his body. You inhaled his scent, closing your eyes. "I'm always here."

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breathe, listen to music, drink water, watch whatever makes you happy.

Soft Duke Depp ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now