sunkissed disaster s'mores

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in honor of duke's new twitter layout, even tho s'mores has nothing to do with it lol

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"You got everything?"

"Marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers. You got the sticks?"

"And the drink and sprinkles."

"You are such a baby, Duke Depp."

You pinched his cheek, making him laugh. He locked the apartment's door behind you, then the two of you headed to the rooftop excitedly. When you arrived there, you got all the wonderful scenery all to yourself. Orange clouds scattered above while the city below was buzzing with business.

You placed your packed food on one small table while Duke went on to open the bonfire.

"We should have brought blankets, don't you think?" You asked him.

Duke nodded, stepping away from the lighted fire pit. "That's a good idea. Bring my favourite one, thanks."

You rolled your eyes at him. "Fine. Keys then."

Duke leaned in and without hesitation, gave you a peck on the lips, which surprised you. Then you laughed and reached in to the pocket of Duke's hoodie, pulling out the keys.

"I meant this, dummy, but I like that too." You placed your arms in his shoulders, Duke's hands rested in your waist, and you shared a long kiss. You smiled after and said, "I still need to get the blankets."

"Yes, you do."

You gave him another peck then ran back inside. Duke then laughed at himself when you were gone. He opened the pack of marshmallow and began poking them through the sticks.

"Keys, kiss, keys, kiss," he muttered to himself, still laughing.

When you returned, Duke already had skewered three sets of s'mores.

"The sun hasn't even set yet," you told as you dropped your blankets on the seat beside Duke.

"I was getting hungry," he replied, grabbing one of the sticks and roasting the marshmallows on it over the fire. You grabbed yours and roasted it as well. Duke pulled out his phone and started to take pictures. He was busy typing that he didn't notice his marshmallows were on fire.

"Duke! You're burning it!" You called him.

"Oh! Ahh!" He pulled it away and blew on the flames. You laughed at him and didn't notice what your holding was on flames too.

"Y/N! Yours!" Duke paused and pointed.

"Mine what?"

"Your s'mores!"

"Ahhh!" Luckily, you saved yours earlier than his. You both sighed when the fire was out, but Duke left a piece looking like a burnt chicken nugget (rip vine). He pulled it out and threw it in the bin.

"Mine looks perfect. They're like sunkissed," you said and took a bite. It tasted like roasted marshmallows - what else.

"Mine is like..." Duke stared at the melting white goo in front of him. "Yup, they look definitely like s'mores."

He took out two pieces of graham crackers and used it to scrape the melted marshmallows off the rod. He took a bit of it and his face unexpectedly lights up. "It's honestly so good."

"You forgot to put chocolate in it," you told him and opened the pack yourself and gave him a piece.

"Oh no, it's stuck," Duke said as he tried to open the sandwich. He shrugged and placed the chocolate on the top of the graham instead. You laughed at how disastrous his first roast was.

On your second try, the s'mores were perfect and you shared a big one under a graham, making the marshmallows flow and escape down to your noses and fingers. You and Duke wiped the mess out of each other's faces while giggling like kids.

When Duke started to play music, it was clear the fun would last up 'til midnight or the both of you passed out. You were both dancing on the rooftop with nothing against the world. Duke held a rod with a marshmallow prodded on the tip while he was doing some of his best moves, making you laugh and impossible to drink your soda.

He was using the rod like a wand, and when he flicked it... the marshmallow was suddenly thrown over the railings. You and Duke looked at it fall down to the ground.

"What if it hits someone?" You said and the both of you stared at each other, then scrambled to back away immediately. You can't help but drop to the ground and laugh your heart out at the thought of the flying (unroasted) marshmallow.

"We're in so much trouble," You said, clutching your stomach from too much giggling.

"I caught that on camera!!!" Duke exclaimed, standing to get his phone.

You watched the footage, and you laughed at your faces of utter disbelief and astonishment when the marshmallow flew out of the stick.

"Put slow-mo over it!" You said, and the effect just emphasized the very extraordinary life of the marshmallow. Duke even added sound effects over it and you both went back to another feat of falling to the floor and giggling like there's no tomorrow.

Soon after that, it's decided that if Duke wants more s'mores, he has to stay in one place.

As the sun began to set in the horizon and hid behind the tall buildings in the area, you and Duke cuddled in the outdoor lounge chair with thick, warm blankets wrapped around your bodies. Duke gazed at you, with the sunrays hitting your face and making your eyes glimmer. You, on the other hand, watched the amber flames flicker, dust and faint smoke rose skyward.

Duke took one marshmallow out of the bowl and hid it in his cheek. "Chubby bunny," he whispered on your ear.

You sat up and took your own mallow, doing the same thing. "Chubby bunny."

Duke placed the bowl in between you and placed another in his mouth. "Chubby bunny."

A staring contest also took place as you took turns saying chubby bunny. You were stopping yourself from trying to laugh when Duke said "Chuffy Bummy." You took a mallow, hesitating to eat it while Duke is controlling his own laugh.

"Chuff--" Duke snorted which made you stop and laughed with him. You grabbed the bin and removed the marshmallows in your mouth. You grabbed Duke's coke but can't possibly drink it because Duke's laugh was contagious.

"Duke, stop laughing!" You told him, taking his hood and covering his face.

"I can't!" He pulled you towards him and rolled over so he was on top of you. Luckily, the drink on your hand didn't spill. Duke wrapped his arms around your chest and you can feel him vibrating from his laughter. Finally, it subsided and you took a drink.

"Chuffy bummy," Duke mumbled and he gazed up to you. Your eyes met and so does your lips. He disconnected from the kiss first and rested his head on the crook of your neck. He hugged you tighter.

"I love you, Y/N," he said, kissing your neck. His lips touched the ticklish spot and you squirmed in his arms. You moved a little bit so Duke laid beside you. He had that glimmer of chaotic fun in his eyes that always made him amusing to be with.

You kissed his nose. "I love you too."

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am still inactive but i thought it would be nice to update to uplift your spirits :)

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