...and all over the place

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so uhm coincidentally while writing the last imagine, my anxiety spiked :))
im kind of fine now i guess

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Duke was wondering why you have been so quiet the whole day. Usually, you like playing music or watching movies while he was busy in his office editing videos. You haven't visited him as well, like you normally do when you got yourself really bored. You would lay on the couch in the room and probably fall asleep while watching him.

He decided that you might be sleeping, or reading a book, anything that's quiet.

An hour later, he finished editing and walked out of the office. He knew something was wrong when he opened the door to the bedroom and saw mess on the floor and the tangled sheets on the bed.

"Y/N, are you here?" He called. He heard a sob coming from the closet. He carefully slid it open and saw you hugging yourself in the dark corner. He knelt in front of you and gently placed a hand on your knee.

You instantly threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck, and burying your face in his chest, inhaling his homey scent. Duke kept you in his arms while you continued to sob. He leaned into the wall, cradling you in his arms and keeping you safe. He brushed your hair while he hummed a song.

"I'm so scared, Duke," you managed to say.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Y/N." He wiped the tears on your face and kissed your cheeks. "As long as I'm here I'll keep you safe."

He kissed you on the head and you leaned again on him. Hearing his heart beat against his chest gave you sense of calmness. His soft scent brought you back to reality.



"Thank you." You smiled, looking up at him with teary eyes.

He returned the smile and hugged you tighter. "You're welcome. Feel any better?" He felt your head nod. "'That's good. We can get some food if you want, or I can cook dinner."

"I wanna stay here with you for a while."

"That's good too." He chuckled.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

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i just found out about dilly. you guys are witty, how do you come up with good ship names????

Soft Duke Depp ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now