beach fair

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There was a ring downstairs when you were adding finishing touches on your make up. You placed the lip gloss back on its container and ran to the door. Your date was waiting on the other side, nervous like you were.

"Hi," Duke greeted with a cheerful grin. "I brought you flowers."

He gave you a bouquet of lovely tulips and carnations. You smelled its sweet scent (unless you're allergic) and placed it on an empty jar beside you.

"You look gorgeous, by the way," Duke added, staring at your eyes with just pure admiration.

You blushed. "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself."

Indeed, when did he even look bad in your eyesight? Duke always had style and knew how to look good on whatever he wear, even plain hoodies.

He wore today a maroon polo shirt, matched with dark blue jeans, and a pair of high cut converse. His dark hair with the blond tips was styled neatly. Imagine running your fingers through the smooth strands.

"Are you ready?" Duke asked.

"Yes, let me just get my purse." You went to the couch to get your sling bag and sprayed cologne before you left through the door, locking it behind you.

Duke held your hand as you walked to his car. He opened the door for you, like the gentleman that he is, and made sure you secured on your seatbelt before driving down the street.

"So where are we going?" You asked, curious where your first date with him will land.

"There's a beach fair happening this weekend so I thought I'd bring you there and win you a teddy bear by shooting some aliens," Duke answered, flashing you a smile.

"I like fairs," you said. "Looks like you have our night planned out, but I bet I can shoot more aliens than you can."

"Ooh, that's a very early testimony. But I'm up for the challenge if you are."

You raised an eyebrow at him, smiling. "Sir, I literally challenged you first."

When you arrived at the fair, you and Duke walked hand in hand into the tiny amusement park. The breeze was mixed of sweet cotton candy scent, seafood being cooked, and the salt of the sea crashing into the shore. Your feet stepped into wood planks that dug into the fine gravel sand. Fairy lights of different colours lighted the stores and booths that many people are getting into.

The line for the Alien Shooting range was luckily short, and Duke was the first to go. The game official explained the points for aliens taken down; the rarer the alien, the more points earned.

"Look out. I got this shooting skills from Fortnight," he joked and you gave him a giggle.

The beeping game music started to play and Duke raised the NERF gun, aiming on the cardboard aliens and shooting. You cheered on him as he played in two minutes and had taken down 72 aliens. The game official let him choose what stuff toy to take from the prize rack. Duke decided on the octopus that can switch faces and colors.

"What's your favourite colour?" He asked you.

"(your fave colour)," you answered.

Duke asked that colour and gave you the cute and fluffy octopus.

"I believe it's my turn," you told him, handing back the stuff toy.

"Good luck," Duke said, waving one of the octopus's tiny arms at you, making you laugh.

"Look out. I got this shooting skills from Minecraft."

The same music started to play again, and you raised the NERF gun, aiming at the moving aliens, and flawlessly taking down 96 aliens in two minutes. You innocently smiled at Duke whose jaw dropped to the ground as he watched you play.

"Wow," he awed.

"Do you want to have a second round?" You asked him.

"Nah, I think you're just gonna beat me again," he simply answered and you laughed.

For a prize, the game official let you chose between two: a polaroid camera and a fancy turquoise backpack. You chose the polaroid camera, wanting to capture memories with Duke on this wonderful evening.

"I think you're a sore loser," you teased him while unwrapping the camera.

Duke turned to you and you perfectly captured his reaction. You showed him the picture and the both of you laughed. You kissed him on the cheek, telling him you're only joking and appreciated the challenge.

The two of you walked along the sandy path, checking out different stores, trying out the carousel and other rides, and buying different snacks. You took a lot of polaroid pictures of each other as well. It's like the only scenery worth taking pictures are the ones you're with.

You were drinking blue lemonade when Duke pulled you to another of the arcade games. This particular one he showed you was simple, the player just needed to throw a plastic in a pyramid of tin cans.

"Up for the challenge?" Duke whispered in your ear.

You turned to him and smirked. "What's in it for me?"

"You get to beat me twice," he replied. "But if I win, I get to steal a kiss from you."

You blushed and took a step closer to him. "Deal."

"Ladies first." He motioned to the booth, taking your stuff from you so you can use any hand freely. He also paid and so, the second round of arcade games started.

You were presented three stacks of tin cans, and you have only one try each. Out of three, you only managed to take down one and a half, because obviously the cans were glued and a light plastic ball can't take it down easily. Your prize was a beaded bracelet.

Duke patted your back as he stepped into the front, paid, and threw the balls. You can't help but grin in defeat when Duke managed to take down all three stacks. He was given a stuffed turtle, but he let you named it.

"I believe I won this round." He raised his eyebrows at you and placed his hands on your waist.

"That is undeniably true," you replied.

"And I deserve something in your behalf."

"Mhm-hmm." He was about to lean forward when you raised a finger between you two. "But you forgot to specify when and where. Come on, I want to try the balloon darts."

"Pirate," he grumbled and protested about his supposed-to-be well-deserved prize. You laughed at him and took his hand, pulling him to the crowd again to play other games.

The moon was above the horizon when you played the last arcade and decided to ride on the ferris wheel. You and Duke sat silently, watching the nightsky above and shimmering waves of the sea.

"You know, the best kind of prize is a surprise," you told Duke, slightly turning on your seat to face him.

He laughed and said, "Oh, and what might it b--"

You have already crashed your lips against Duke before he finished what he was saying. He smiled through the kiss and brought a hand up to our jaw, deepening the sweet kiss. When you leaned away to inhale some air, Duke pulled you in again, not having enough yet which only made you chuckle.

When you were finally left breathless, Duke stole again another peck.

"You're beautiful," he told you and you blushed, also flustered from the kiss you just shared. A flash came next and Duke took a picture of you with your polaroid camera.

Duke wrapped an arm on your shoulder as you rest your head on his. The beach fair was cheerful and melodious below, like the sound of two hearts beating to each other, yours and Duke.

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my school finals are coming so this will be the last update for a while. have a good week everyone :)

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