playing with fire

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Duke has been in your room for quite a while now. There's music playing and the lights turned on and off. Obviously, he's filming for another TikTok video.

"Ow! Sh--!" You heard from the room, making you pause from reading a book.

"Duke! You alright?" You called from the living room, getting a bit concerned when he didn't answer. You inserted a bookmark between the pages and placed the book on the coffee table.

Knocking on the door, you asked him again. "Duke?"

You opened the door, really becoming concerned when he still doesn't reply. You saw him sitting on the floor, clutching his hand with a pout on his lips. A small laugh escaped your lips upon seeing his situation without context.

"It's not funny, Y/N!" He was literally doing the puppy dog face on you, which only made you burst out laughing.

"What happened to you? You look like a baby whose candy was taken away." You removed your eyes from him then noticed the phone still on the tripod, Willy's clothes on the bed, and the lighter on the floor. You picked it up and pulled a stern face at Duke.

"You burned your hand, didn't you?" Duke nodded, cowering at your suddenly serious expression.

"Let me see your hand." You knelt beside him on the floor and he showed his hand to you. The thumb was only one who has red marks, which made you question his over reaction. "But it's just your thumb, you'll be fine."

"It kinda stings though."

You hummed and agreed to give it an ice treatment. Duke sat on the kitchen counter while you wet a cloth and rubbed an ice cube on it. You wrapped the cloth around Duke's thumb and gave it a kiss.

"Feel better?"

Duke nodded and gave you a kiss on the lips. "Thank you."

"Then what we're you doing there, Duke? Playing with fire, really?" You placed your hands on your hips, raising your eyebrows.

"I was filming a TikTok trend, Burning Pile. The flame just touched my thumb, that's it."

"That's it? Have you seen your own thumb? It's in bandage." You held his hand in front of his face.

"I'm sorry. It's an accident."

You cupped his face in your hands and kissed his head. "It's okay."

"I still have to film as Willy though," Duke said after a minute of silence.

"I can take your place. It's not the first time anyway."

"It looks big on you."

You rolled your eyes. "Oh please. You say that because you're a literal giant and everything else is small."

"You're smol." Duke pulled you in between his legs and hugged you tight. "Adorably smol, and cuddly, and a cutie... kinda like an oompa-loompa."

You hit his back and Duke just laughed. "I healed your finger and this is what you repay me, Duke Depp? You're a bad nut."

Duke pulled away from the hug and his face was filled with utter offence. "Take that back!"

"If you let me wear the Willy costume again, I will."

Duke sighed and hopped down the counter, taking your hand in his. "Fine. Be careful with fire okay? We don't want two burned thumbs in this household."

~ ~ ~

friendly reminder to not play with fire. stay hydrated instead.
duke, the fire might be out but you're still smoking hot :DD)))

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