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it was around an hour later when rosa decided she was gonna leave.

'i'm gonna get going on my 'date' because apparently that's what it is now. see you tomorrow.' rosa said as she got out of her seat.

'yeh i think i'm gonna go too, it's nearly 7.30, i gotta put ig to bed.' gina also got up from her seat

everyone said their goodbyes to the pair before they left. just as rosa was about to put her helmet on gina stopped her.

'you're driving?'

'yeh i had two drinks in the space of an hour, i'm under the limit and i'm not drunk at all.'

'fair enough.'

'why do you care anyway?'

'do you actually have a date?'

'why do you care? why would i even tell you?'

'i was jus- doesn't matter. drive safe, diaz.' gina said before spinning on her heels

'for the record, no it isn't a date.'

'have fun, whatever it is.'

'have fun putting the kid to bed.' rosa said before putting her helmet on


'hola mija, how was work?' her father greeted her with a smile

'pretty good actually, we solved a murder case which turned out to be a serial killer,' she smiled at him as she sat down next to him on the bench. 'how are you?' she hesitated before continuing, 'how's mom?'

'that's great mija. me and your mother are both okay too.' rosa smiled slightly as her father spoke

'is she mad at me?'

'i think she's just confused, but don't worry about her.' he offered rosa a smile. 'i'm proud of what you told little nina yesterday, and what you said to the rest of the family too,' he added.

'gracias,' she smiled. 'i feel like it's just what you would've told me if i was that age. you probably would've thought i wasn't being serious but you would've played along with it and told me to do whatever i wanted. like you did when i said i wanted to be a cop.'

mr diaz smiled, 'si, of course mija.'


'goodnight my baby girl,' gina kissed her half asleep daughter on the head before heading to the couch. she'd stopped on the way home to get more alcohol because she realised that she only had two bottles of beer left and no other alcohol... not that she was expecting anyone, she just liked to have it in the apartment

she grabbed herself a bottle of beer out of the fridge before settling down on the couch and starting a movie.

it was around 40 minutes later when gina heard a knock at the door. she wasn't expecting anyone

she got up and opened the door to see diaz standing there.

'you know you live next door right?'

'oh i had no idea,' she replied sarcastically. 'is the kid okay?'

'you know she has a name right? and yeh she's fine.'


'why are you here? did your not date thing go okay?'

'yeh, i just came to check on the- iggy.'

'you wanna come in? you said it yourself, you're barely drunk.'

rosa walked into the apartment and sat down on the couch before gina came over and sat next to her, handing her a beer.

'thanks,' she nodded as she took a swig of her drink

they both sat there for a few minutes and continued to watch the movie that gina had put on earlier.

'i don't wanna pry or anythin-' gina started

'yes you do, just say it.'

'if it wasn't a date, what was it?'

'i went to see my dad, that's all you need to know.' her attention turned back to the tv

'mkay...' gina said, unconvinced

a few more minutes passed before rosa started

'what i'm about to tell you does not leave this room, got it?'

'mhm,' gina nodded her head as she sat up straight and looked at rosa.

'yesterday, when i left early, it was because my mom told me i had to go to this family gathering thing every few months.' she paused. 'we argued about me being bi basically as soon as i got there, then i told a little girl that she can love whoever she wants to, then my mom practically called it a disease.'

'shit ro.'

'yeh... then i got mad at her, yelled at my whole family then left. the only person who isn't mad at me is my dad.'

'ro that sucks, i'm sorry.'

'it's fine. don't say sorry, it's not your fault.'

'why did you tell me that? i mean i'm glad you told me, but why?'

'because you wouldn't get that sheepish grin off your face and it was annoying me.' rosa told gina, making her smile. 'i should probably go, if anyone finds out about our conversation i will hurt you.'

'see you tomorrow ro,' gina smiled again as the detective left the apartment

'bye linetti.'


the day was going way too slowly for gina, she had a mountain of work to do but couldn't concentrate on anything that wasn't rosa. after their conversation last night, everything rosa had said about her mom, gina wanted to make sure rosa was okay. she assumed rosa would be round at her apartment tonight so she'd think of something to do. maybe watch that thing rosa was talking about the other day, something has to give?

it was around 2 when gina finished her work, meaning she could leave whenever she wanted. she decided that she'd get some shopping before going home, specifically baby toys that iggy could chew on because she was teething like crazy and it was getting annoying.

a/n: hi
it's been a few days lol, i feel like nothing much has happened yet and i know it's kinda boring but the next chapter something actually does happen. i'll try and get it up on tomorrow or saturday
i hope you're enjoying this so far
- didi :)

written: march 2021
published: april 2021

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