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it was a few weeks later when gina felt ready to return to work, although she didn't really want to. rosa could tell that her girlfriend was slightly mad at her for not saying yes to the dance studio idea straight away, even if gina wouldn't admit it.

the precinct now knew about rosa and gina's relationship because rosa had taken time off to stay with gina and make sure she was okay, so most of the morning was filled with everyone (charles) asking way too many personal questions about the pair. when they were finally able to start work, rosa kept looking up at her girlfriend's desk to check she was okay; usually she'd meet gina's eyes looking back at her a few times, but today there was none of that.

the latina had given up. she'd actually given up on trying to oppose gina's idea a few days ago, but today she couldn't keep the surprise any longer.

rosa: we're going for lunch in 30 mins
gina: not hungry
rosa: i have to show you something
gina: take a pic
rosa: 30 mins, be ready.

rosa wasn't gonna argue with gina, not over text and especially not at work. she hoped that gina would be ready as she'd said to be and wouldn't be mad after lunch.


'why can't you just tell me where we're going for lunch? we've been literally to every food place at least once, it can't be that exciting.' gina complained from the passenger seat

'it's a surprise, and you said you weren't hungry so we're not going for lunch.'

'huh?' the woman questioned as rosa pulled up to a large, slightly run down looking (from the outside) building. 'we going in there?' she pointed as she asked

'yeh, but no more questions.' rosa kissed gina's cheek before getting out of the car, the other woman following the first out of the car.

'you're too happy, you did something.'

'maybe,' the detective took her girlfriend's hand. 'maybe not, you'll see,' she continued as she led the redhead into the building.

gina couldn't do much but follow her girlfriend as she showed her around. 'ro, is this actually going anywhere?'

'yeh, you'll see at the end. now no more questions.'

'rosaaaaa,' gina whined as they were getting back to the entrance of the building

'ginaaaaa,' the detective replied with a smirk.

'are you gonna tell me what we're doing here now?' gina whined again

'i didn't wanna buy the place yet, but i saw this and thought it would be a pretty great place to start our dance school. i know it looks kinda run down from the outside, but the inside's nice and big, we could fit three ballet barres in every room if we had to and none of the floors are carpet so you can actually dance on them. i just wanted to make sure you liked the place as much as me but i already wrote the deposit cheque sooo...'

gina's mouth had been wide open in shock since rosa even mentioned dance school. tears were now slowly forming in her eyes and a grin making its way to her face. 'i love you so much, rosa diaz.' the woman wrapped her arms around rosa and buried her face into rosa's chest. 'i love you.' she mumbled again.

'is that a yes?' the detective kissed the top of her girlfriend's head before the latter pulled away

she nodded, her smile growing even bigger. 'yes it's a yes, let's go buy us a dance school right now. you have the cheque right?'

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