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over the past three months, the couple had been doing everything they could to get the school ready. most kids started their new clubs and lessons around september so that it fit in with school, but gina already had a lot of the
g-hive as waiting customers, so the pair were prepared to open earlier and run trial lessons over the summer.

'wait gi,' rosa stopped building one of the storage units she was trying to put together.

'yeh babe?' gina yelled from the next room.

'we need a name.' rosa told her as she wandered into the room her girlfriend and daughter were in

'we have names, rosa and gina.' the redhead gave the latina a confused look

rosa chuckled to herself, 'no, i meant a name for the studio. we never actually decided on one out of the ones that we had.'

'oh- yeh...' the two sat in silence for a minute
before gina took a sharp gasp in, 'what about Bop til You Drop!'

'it can go on the maybe list...' rosa wasn't keen on the name, 'we have a while to think of one, it's fine.' she smiled at gina, 'be careful with that iggy, i don't want you to hurt yourself.' the child dropped the screwdriver and ran over to gina instead

'you tired baby girl?' the auburn haired woman asked, to which the girl shook her head. 'you wanna take mommy's phone and go sit in iggy's room?' they'd designated a whole room for iggy, which they planned would be the room that little kids were taught in when the studio eventually opened, but for now it was iggy's room.

'iggy see meemo?' she asked

'yeh, i'll put nemo on for you.' iggy gave a little giggle and ran off into the room they called her's, sitting herself down in the only chair they'd bought from the apartment, just for iggy. 'she'll be quiet for about an hour and 37 minutes before the end credits start.'


'i think we're doing pretty well gi, four rooms completely done in six weeks.' the latina said as she walked into the room that her girlfriend should have been in. 'gina?'

she wandered into iggy's room and smiled at the sight in front of her: gina lying on the floor with iggy on top of her, both of them asleep.

'gi, babe?' she whispered as she picked iggy up and settled her on her shoulder, patting her back lightly to keep her asleep

'hmmm,' she hummed half asleep before fully opening her eyes, 'did i fall asleep?'

'just for a bit babe, it's fine.' gina grabbed the hand that was by rosa's side and helped herself up. 'we can stop somewhere and get food on the way home and then just chill tonight, yeh?'

'yeh,' she gave a weak smile but still wasn't fully awake

five minutes later, the trio were in the car and all three were wide awake.

'momma UP, UP, UP,' iggy said from the back seat, pausing before she remembered to add, 'please.' on the end

rosa turned up the music that was currently playing, she recognised the song and figured it was probably just beyoncé or something gina liked. it was only when iggy began singing it that she realised it was actually one of the songs that had played in the restaurant on rosa and gina's first date.

'singing on top of our lungs,' iggy paused for the music to catch up with her since she'd missed a few beats, 'the day we fell in love.' the girl mumbled slightly, still shouting somehow. rosa was fairly sure iggy wasn't singing the actual lyrics, just something that sounded similar, but it made the latina happy nonetheless.

'2002 by anne marie, you remember it?' gina asked her

'it was playing in the restaurant on our first date.'

gina smiled, 'some parts remind me of us a little bit. i don't know why, they just do.'

rosa smiled, 'i love you gines.'

'i love you more.'


the three of them had just gotten home after stopping off at mcdonald's on the way back for some food. iggy was currently in her room, jumping around with mr cookies who was actually toy stuffed chicken.

'babe,' gina started. 'we're setting up a dance studio, but i don't even know if you can dance.'

'shut up, of course i can dance.'

'prove it.' gina smirked, 'dance with me, right here, right now.'

'you better choose a good song,' rosa grinned as she rose from her seat on the couch.

'woah, really?' gina stood in shock for a second before grabbing her phone and putting her ROSA playlist on shuffle and connecting her phone to the speaker.

when 'four walls' by broods started playing, rosa smiled. the first time she'd heard the song was when she eventually had agreed to moving all her stuff into gina's apartment; those four days, the song was on repeat.

gina wrapped her hands around rosa's neck and rosa took hold of gina's waist. the pair swayed to the music until rosa put her hand out for a confused gina to take hold of. when she did, rosa spun her round and round and round her finger until gina was about to fall over. the latina managed to pull the redhead up enough so that she didn't fall before she held her waist, pulling her in and kissing her before gina could say a word.

'yeh, not bad,' gina smirked when the two pulled away. 'the dancing i meant, the kiss was... i don't remember.' she said smugly before pulling her girlfriend in and connecting their lips again.

rosa smiled into the kiss before gina pulled away, 'yeh, you're not bad either... at any of it.'

'MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY,' iggy squealed, interrupting the couple

the pair turned and faced iggy who was pointing at the speaker; it took gina a few seconds before she realised what song was playing and smiled. 'come dance with us, princess.' gina opened her arms, ready to pick iggy up.

the girl ran straight for gina's arms, took hold of her hands and started jumping up and down as gina sang to her, 'don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me. i said you're holding back, she said-'

'SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME!' iggy shouted. she let go of one of gina's hands and took rosa's instead so the trio could dance to the whole song together. and they did... if you can call it dancing.

rosa and gina mainly just smiled as their two year old daughter jumped up and down before rosa eventually picked her up and spun her around. every time the song said 'shut up and dance' iggy would shout it loud enough for the whole apartment block to hear it, two of the times being in rosa's face whilst gina stood there and laughed

the three of them were now lying on the floor, as they had been for the past five minutes, in silence.

'babe,' rosa broke the peace. 'what about shut up and dance?'

'what about it?'

'we could call it shut up and dance, you know the studio.'

gina rolled over to face her girlfriend and smiled, a grin already beaming back at her. 'it's so perfect ro, it's the first time we all danced together and- i love it. and i love you, so so so much.'

'i love you too gi.' there was a pause and a comfortable silence between the three of them. 'shut up and dance, what do you think ig?'

'SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME!' she yelled for what must've been the tenth time in the past ten minutes, but the couple couldn't help but smile.

written: july 2021
published: august 2021

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