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'you ready to spend some more time with amy today? i'm gonna go see mommy and then maybe you can see her too,' rosa told the girl as she picked up one of her halves of toast.

iggy nodded whilst she stuffed toast into her mouth, 'iggy see mommy.'

'yeh princess, maybe,' rosa smiled. she hated leaving iggy all day, especially when she didn't know what was going on with gina.

amy knocked on the door a few minutes later, smiling at iggy as soon as she saw her.

'hey. thanks again for this.'

'it's no problem, any news on gina?'

'no, and the hospital hasn't rang to tell me anything so i think she's the same as yesterday.'

'i'm telling you this cop to cop, not cop to victim's girlfriend...' amy paused for rosa to nod before she continued. 'we found the guy, he's in holding and jake's gonna question him.'

'can i tell gina? as a cop...'

'yeh but only because you're going to see her, you still can't have anything to do with the case.'

'yep, got it. thank you amy.' rosa leaned down and kissed iggy's cheek. 'bye princess, i'll be back soon,' she smiled, followed by, 'bye amy,' as she opened the front door and closed it behind her.


when rosa arrived at the hospital, gina was still sound asleep and the younger woman didn't want to wake her girlfriend, so she just sat and smiled at her.

around five minutes later, gina began to wake up. she opened her eyes to face rosa and smiled, 'morning.'

'morning babe,' the other woman replied as she leaned down to kiss her girlfriend. 'how you feeling?'

'not terrible i guess.'

'that's good, i told ig that if you feel okay she could come and see you later maybe. only if you want her to tho.'

'i really do but i don't think that's a good idea, she hates blood and this is a hospital.'

'you have your phone right? we could facetime you or something?'

gina smiled, 'does she miss me that much?'

'i do so i'm guessing she probably does.' rosa reached out and held gina's hand. the detective told her girlfriend all about how much iggy missed her, telling her about the chocolate cake incident from the night before and how their child would just point at the cake because it reminded her of gina.

'i'm sorry.'

'gi it isn't your fault, you know that. amy told me they caught the guy, i don't know anything else but jake's gonna question him later.'

'mkay,' gina took back her hand and placed it on the bed before she turned away slightly.

'baby you know i don't blame you, i wanna help you. i want you to get better and i'm not gonna go anywhere okay?'

'hmm,' gina hummed

'i love you.'

'i really miss ig you know, i just wanna be at home with both of you and watch nemo and eat chocolate cake and get out of this fucking room!' gina raised her voice slightly at the end

rosa reached out and held her hand again, 'gi it's okay, calm d-'

'if you're about to tell me to calm down, don't.' gina took her hand back again

rosa hesitated before speaking again, 'so they haven't said when you can come home?'


'you want me to go ask?'

'i don't care rosa, go home or something.'

'gi what's up?'

'i'm stuck in a hospital room by myself with nobody to talk to all day and nothing to do, i wanna see iggy and i can't and it's great that you come and see me everyday but i don't want stupid special treatment just because i got hit by a fucking motorcycle,' gina told her girlfriend surprisingly calmly before she sighed. 'i'm scared rosa. they're not telling me anything. you ride a motorcycle, it's real dangerous. i don't want you to get hurt,' gina confessed

'i hate this too, but i'm not a stupid idiot who doesn't know how to ride properly and i'll be safe on my bike okay?' gina nodded slightly, unconvinced. 'i'm gonna go ask them for some information and see when you'll be able to come home.' rosa got up from her chair

'they won't tell you anything.'

'i'm a detective, they'll tell me as a detective.' the woman said as she left the room.


rosa: i got home home safe babe
rosa: we'll come and pick you up tomorrow, love you <3
gina: see you tomorrow, love you too <3

gina made her girlfriend promise she'd let her know when she was home safely, and rosa knew gina was worried so she made sure she did. as rosa stepped into the apartment, she looked down and was met with iggy hugging her legs.

'MOMMA!' she yelled, excited to see rosa. the detective held back a smile,

'she missed you,' rosa looked up at amy as she picked the child up

'you did? i missed you too ig.' the detective patted the girl's back, causing iggy to rest her head on rosa's shoulder. 'from tomorrow i won't have to go anywhere, mommy's coming home.' she smiled.


'yeh, we're gonna go pick her up.'

'mommy!' iggy basically jumped down out of rosa's arms and proceeded to run around the apartment.

'thanks for looking after her the past couple days,' rosa sat down on the couch next to the sergeant

'no problem. she's cute, and for the record i'm sure you and gina are great together,' santiago smiled

'thanks,' rosa nodded at her.

'i should get going, holt said you can take as long as you need and obviously gina won't be allowed back for a few weeks anyway. if any of you need anything, just let me know.'

'thanks amy. seriously, thank you.'

'it's no problem rosa.' the smaller latina smiled, 'bye bye iggy, bye rosa.' she said to the pair as she walked out

'you can see mommy again tomorrow,' rosa smiled as she picked up the child before continuing, 'but for now, pizza or mac and cheese?'

'pizza pizza pizza,' iggy chanted, causing rosa to smile.

written: july 2021
published: july 2021

a/n: i promise, something is happening. the next two chapters are actually meaningful :)

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