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"mommy i did it!" iggy beamed as she stood proudly, her feet in first position

"good job baby girl, you think you can show mason how to do it?"

iggy nodded and ran over to mason at the other side of the room. classes were getting busier, which meant that when the 20 children were all spread out across the room, they took up the whole place

"jump, jump, jump, up, down, up, down." iggy recited to mason as she demonstrated, jumping three times before rising up onto her toes and then doing a plié twice.

mason copied the girl, slightly slower than she did it, but smiled nonetheless when he eventually got it.

"good job mason," gina high fived him, having walked over the moment he started the little routine. "keep practicing it so you don't forget it on wednesday," she smiled before going to the front of the class again


"babe, where's iggy?" rosa asked, peering her head around the door into the room of teenagers around 17 years old

"she's somewhere around here, she's got my phone so just call it or something."

"mkay," rosa smiled before her face dropped when she heard crying from another room. "ig?" she called out as she ran into the next room, "what's up princess?" she asked as she picked the girl up

"i can't do it," she buried her head into the latina's shoulder. "mommy said don't forget it but i forgot it."

"forgot what ig?"

"my ballet," she pulled away from rosa's shoulder and rubbed her eyes

"that's okay princess, i know your ballet dance so we can do it together."

"but mommy does ballet," she sniffled

"but me and mommy both make the dances," rosa smiled as she wiped iggy's cheek, which made iggy smile too

"you can help me?"

"of course i can, but do you think we should get some food first?" rosa asked her daughter

"i can have pasta?"

"let's go see what mommy packed," rosa smiled


"you're doing really good ig," gina smiled as she wandered into the room

"momma helped me remember," the girl looked up at rosa and smiled

"that's why i love momma." the redhead wrapped her arms around her fiancé and smiled

"i love you more," rosa leaned down and pressed their lips together, smiling into the kiss

"mommy, we can get ice cream?"

"we could get ice cream," gina turned to face her daughter. "or we could go home and make ice cream sandwiches." she suggested

usually they wouldn't go home and do anything because it would be late, but today they'd finished slightly early and iggy didn't need to be in bed quite as early because it was summer

"yeh!" iggy smiled, immediately sitting down to take off her dance shoes and put her trainers on

"not that foot ig," rosa told her, just before she tried to put her right trainer on her left foot. iggy smiled before switching feet and taking a few minutes to put her trainers on

"ready?" gina asked as she held out her hand for her daughter to hold onto

iggy nodded and grabbed her mom's hand, practically dragging her out of the room and out to the car

baby girl || dianettiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt