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iggy woke rosa up early the next morning, not that rosa was asleep much anyway. she'd been up most of the night because she couldn't sleep and she wanted to make sure  nothing happened to iggy either.

'morning ig,' rosa forced a smile to try and convince herself and iggy that everything was okay. 'i'm guessing gina wouldn't want you to go to a hospital so i'm gonna drop you off with amy for a little bit okay?'


'soon sweetie, she'll be home soon.' rosa kissed the child's cheek. 'you go pick out some clothes and i'll help you get dressed in a minute.' she said as she helped the child off the bed.

rosa: can you look after iggy for a bit while i go see gina?
amy: yeh, of course. i'm at the precinct but i can come over if you want?
rosa: yeh, thanks
amy: i'll be 30 mins :)


amy was at the door exactly 30 minutes later with iggy still at the table with her toast and apple juice.

'hey, you'll be fine with her right? she usually doesn't cry, just put finding nemo on if she does.' rosa said as she rushed around gathering her things. 'love you ig,' rosa ruffled the child's hair before she left.

the detective sped to the hospital, ignoring all the legal limits. the only reason she'd stayed somewhat calm yesterday was because iggy was there. she'd do anything to make sure iggy was okay, of course she wanted to be with gina but she knew iggy would probably be confused if she wasn't there and gina would be getting tests done anyway.

she practically ran into the hospital and up the stairs, 'gina linetti?' she panted frantically as the receptionist pointed her in the right direction.

she saw gina laying in a bed with dozens of tubes and wires coming out of her and immediately the water welled up in her eyes. she didn't wanna see her girlfriend lying there like that but she didn't wanna leave her.

'is she awake?' rosa asked a doctor that had just left her room

'she's conscious but asleep because of some medication we gave her. she should be awake soon.'

'do you know what's wrong with her?'

'i can only tell that to family or the detective on her case.'

'i'm her girlfriend... wait, case?'

'i can't discuss that, but we know what's wrong. she had concussion and we had to send her to sleep for a little while. she's had some scans done and she got quite lucky considering the speed of the motorcycle.'

'do you know when she can come home?'

'it's too early to tell, i'm sorry.' the doctor told the detective before he walked away

rosa entered the room and sat down next to gina's bed, before grabbing her hand and holding it tight

'please don't die gi,' rosa started as she tried to keep the tears back. 'you're the most important person in the world to me and me and ig both need you. she misses you a lot and it hasn't even been that long, i don't know what to tell her.' the raven haired woman now had tears rolling down her cheeks. 'i love you gina, i just want you to wake up and call me baby girl and i won't even be mad at you for calling it me in public because i love you so so much.' rosa was rambling now, trying to distract herself from what was right in front of her.

her sobs grew heavier and heavier as she watched the woman in front of her breathe.

'you're strong and you'll be okay and i'll look after you and iggy,' rosa said in between her sobs.  she tried to hold herself together but she hated seeing gina in the state that she was in. 'please wake up.'

rosa sat sobbing as she looked at gina for a few minutes before she felt her girlfriend grab her hand.

'gi?' rosa quickly wiped her eyes with her free hand. 'are you awake baby?'

gina groaned and stirred slightly. 'it hurts,' she said groggily

rosa leant down and kissed gina's head, 'yeh it probably will if you get hit by a motorcycle.'

'baby,' gina smiled. 'you're here.'

'where else would i be?'

'at home with ig?'

'amy's there for a bit... she knows about us now.' rosa paused and just looked at gina for a minute. 'i love you.'

'i love you to- AHHH!' gina was interrupted by a sharp pain in her side and held rosa's hand tight

'woahhh you good?'

gina winced again and nodded

'i'm gonna go get a doctor, i'll be back in a sec.' rosa said before leaving the room and returning not even a minute later to see gina with her eyes closed again

'gi?' rosa and the doctor both rushed over to her. 'she was literally just awake.'

'miss diaz, i'm gonna need you to leave the room.'

'is she okay?'

'miss diaz.' the doctor demanded as he beeped his pager, alerting other doctors and nurses.

'just tell me she's gonna be okay,' rosa's heavy sobs started again before a nurse escorted her out of the room

written: april 2021
published: may 2021

a/n: hi so it's been a while lmao, i had no motivation also, i can't really write emotion so i'm sorry for how bad this is but just imagine it's good :)

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