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over the past six months, rosa had stayed at gina's every night except a couple, and that was only because iggy was up all night and rosa couldn't sleep so gina told her to go.

'baby...' gina started one morning before work

'what.' rosa replied in a slightly threatening tone. she was stood in sweats and a leather jacket, looking thru the laundry

'you okay there?'

'where are my black jeans?'

'the ones you wore yesterday? they're on the bedroom floor.'

'no my other ones, i checked my closet, your closet and the laundry basket and they're not here.'

'did you check your laundry basket too?'

rosa paused for a second, 'huh... no i did not.' gina smiled at her girlfriend, 'what else did you wanna tell me?'

'oh nothing, doesn't matter.' gina said as she began to leave the room

'linetti, get back here.' gina spun around and took a step forward before rosa continued, 'just tell me.'

'well you know how you stay here most nights and a lot of your clothes are here and you have a key and stuff... i was thinking you should just move in,' gina said with a shy smile on her face

rosa didn't say anything for a bit, when she eventually did, it was, 'see you at work,' before grabbing her keys and leaving the apartment.

'shit.' gina stood there and said to herself

'momma,' a voice said behind her said

gina turned around to see the one year old with a pair of trousers on her head and one on her arms, as well as the pair that gina had put on 15 minutes earlier.

'you silly billy,' gina said as she smiled and picked her daughter up, 'we'll go take these off and then we can go soon,' she smiled at the toddler and started to take the trousers off her head and arms.

gina turned up to work 30 minutes later, at 8.50, to find rosa in her usual black attire instead of the sweats she'd been wearing that morning.

rosa looked up from her computer before looking back at the screen, then down at her phone.

rosa: babylon in 5?
gina: mhm

gina was relieved that rosa wasn't mad, but she also wasn't gonna let her girlfriend off the hook without an explanation

rosa made her way to their secret bathroom with gina following after her a few minutes later.

as soon as the door closed behind gina, rosa started with her explanation.

'i'm sorry gi. i know i basically live at your apartment anyway but... i rushed into everything with adrian... you know the ex i nearly married, we got engaged real quick, anyway i don't want that to happen again. i'm not saying we rushed things but i don't wanna mess anything up. i really don't wanna mess anything up, i just wanna make sure i can go back to my apartment if i need to. i don't wanna say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, i know it's stupid but sometimes i just need to step out for a sec so i don't screw up. i get if you don't want me to come over for a bit or whatever.'

'shut up stupid, i'm glad you explained but you are not going anywhere... except of you need a breather obviously.' gina chucked nervously as she added the last part. 'it was kinda rushed with me and milton, too so i get why you don't wanna rush into anything, but you're not gonna mess up because i don't wanna lose you.' gina pulled herself closer into rosa, making rosa wrap her arms around gina. 'i lost you 14 years ago when i left dance, i'm not about to let that happen again.'

'if you leave me again, i swear i will make sure you're sorry linetti,' rosa threatened, looking down on her girlfriend. 'and i'm not kidding.'

'i'm not gonna go anywhere as long as you don't...'

'obviously not gonna.'

'but you'd look after ig right? if anything ever happened to me, i mean.'

'yeh, course. she's my favourite little kid.'

'but you hate- oh.'

rosa smiled in reply, 'i'll be at yours before dinner, i just gotta pick something up first.' she kissed gina's forehead and left the bathroom without even giving her time to reply.

the day went by fast. rosa was almost gonna work a couple of hours overtime so she could get more work done, but she remembered she needed to pick up her surprise for her girlfriend.

gina made her way home to her daughter, her face lighting up when she saw the child smile at her. 'hey princess,' gina picked her up. 'i missed you today.' she kissed the child's head as she sat down on the couch. 'was she okay today?' gina asked the childminder

'yeh she was great,' sarah smiled. 'i gotta go but i'll be here at 8.30 tomorrow,' she grabbed her coat and left.

a/n: hi lol
i know this part's kinda boring but i promise this whole thing is building up to something eventually lmao :)

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