21. The old astronomy tower

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The universe likes to play games, I've come to learn, handing out short straws like they're lottery tickets, placing bets against our favour, pawning us off like old chess pieces, waiting for us to inevitably make a detrimental move.

Although, in spite of such a fact, the universe knows more than we give it credit for when I acknowledge the moments in life that are often pulled together quite nicely and methodically, an often unexpected affair you were not necessarily anticipating, but nonetheless is still welcome.

The universe, whilst sometimes taunting, I find is driving everyone to exactly where they are supposed to be, unbeknown to us all as we live our lives, the beauty of the world is blossoming, constantly, and then suddenly everything changes and we wonder how we ever did anything before that moment.

Like somehow these magnetic pulls and soul ties are forming from the most mundane of activities, like deciding to leave at twelve as opposed to eleven, or deciding on the green dress instead of the red one, as though when we trace these things back before a significant moment, you realised that this was in fact preparation for the thing that would change everything.

I'd like to think this is what happened when I met Fred Weasley.

That a soul tie had been created prior to our meeting, and I had spent every waking moment of every waking day prior to September 1st 1996 unknowingly searching for the person who would change my life.

For better or for worse, regardless of the journey it took to get from A to B, Fred Weasley was my soulmate, a connection that regardless of disruption would ultimately end in our favour, because that was exactly what was always suppose to happen, I realised this fairly early on, and I was more than ok with that.

However that's not to say that this fact always remained clear, and that it wasn't something I lost sight of now and again, because no love story is ever that easy, and so I stood, staring longing into the mirror, preparing to attend the Yule ball with my friend Fred Weasley.

I had pulled a small section of my hair round to the back of my head and secured it using a silver grip with a rose embellishment, allowing a few accidental looking strands of hair to fall forward and frame my face.

After applying a comfortable and refreshing amount of makeup, and briefly admiring my mediocre reflection, I pulled down my dress from where it was hanging and began stepping into it, a warmth filling my chest as I hoped to embody the image of my mum doing the same all those years ago.

Pulling the small lace straps over my shoulders, I then reached for the zip, situated in the centre of my back, a place inaccessible to my own hands.

"Hermione, Hermione?" I called for some assistance, still breathlessly struggling to reach for the zip myself, and rather than being greeted with her gentle tone, a rather husky sound spoke after a few moments.

"She is helping Ginny with her hair, but I'm ready if I can be of any use" Fred spoke from the other side of my dormitory door, his hand resting around its edge as I took note of the many silver bands scattered across his fingers.

"I can't do up my dress" I huffed in defeat, lowering my arms dramatically, feeling mildly embarrassed as Fred continued to press himself against the opposite side of the door.

"Can I help?" He asked, and whilst his question was genuine, I couldn't help but detect a slight sinful and hellish intent behind his pure and heavenly exterior.

"Please" I whispered loud enough for him to hear, but as the door started creaking opened I quickly interjected, halting his movements, "But you have to keep your eyes closed!" I exclaimed.

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