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Dear Lydia,

Ginny had a good birthday, she wished you were there though. Kept talking about you this summer, she also loved the present you got her! We're going to get Harry in a few weeks for the quidditch world cup, Dad had an extra ticket so of course Harrys coming. Also speaking of the world cup, I told Mum and Dad about your situation and how your parents no longer can come with you and Mum said you're more than welcome to come with us and stay with us until school starts. I'm assuming because you're in Italy, you'll be taking one of them stupid metal things that fly in the air - could never be me though, scary stuff. Mum and I will pick you up from the airport?? If thats what it's called, I don't know. I've told everyone about you coming for the last half of summer (apart from Fred) they're all more than excited to see you, not more excited than me of course.

This is so exciting, I've missed you!!

See you in a few weeks Lydia.

Love, George x

To George,

You really didn't need to do that! I'll accept your offer though! Also tell your Mum and Dad i said thank you very much, I appreciate it dearly. Dad's gutted he can't come with us though, said he's good friends with Mr Weasley and that they always have a good laugh. I'm glad Ginny enjoyed her birthday and her present I sent her! Theres another letter in this envelope, it's the time and date i'll arrive in England, just meet me at the main entrance at the time and i'll see you there. I'm super excited to see everyone else too. Especially you.

I've missed you too, Weasley. See you in a few.

Love, Lydia x

BITTERSWEET ; FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now