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"Jesus Christ, George!" Lee slammed his cutlery down on the bench after clearly being pissed off by his friend, "Why is it so important to you that you need to know if i'm currently with someone or not!" he exclaimed.

"Oh I don't know..." George spoke, "maybe it's because you're always sneaking away, and you know i'm a curious person, Lee!"

"Alright Curious George" spat Lee, handing his friend a banana, "Go find your friend with the yellow hat, maybe he has the answers for you". Lees comment made both Angelina and Florence scoff, knowing fine well what he was referencing to (The children's Muggle book, The Adventures of Curious George), also aware of how George wouldn't have a clue about it.

"What are you even talking about-"

"Shut up, I'm not having this conversation with you... again." Lee began eating his food, hoping to every god there was that George would finally leave him alone.

"Morning! Oh..." Fred sat down with his usual group of friends, "Lee's eating way faster than usual, who pissed him off this time? Let me guess, Florence told him that he can't set her up with his cousin?"

They all shook their head, "Good guess- Still a no, Lee" Florence spoke as Lee tried to open his mouth full of food to speak, "George has noticed that Lee might have a little someone on the side, Lee won't tell him who and if he's right though."

"C'mon Fred!" George waved his hands around, Lee still eating fast, with his head down, "You've got to have noticed that Lee's not around us as much and he's always making excuses up to leave."

"Ermmm..." Freds eyes trailed off to Angelina who was staring at him, with her arms crossed and eyebrows raised. If Fred could read minds he know Angelina's would be flooded with ways she could kill Fred, if he said a word about his encounter with Angelina and Lee a few weeks ago.

Lee not noticing Angelina and Fred's little interaction, and knowing Fred quite well, he spoke, "No, he wouldn't have noticed," his mouth full of food, "he's too busy running around with his little 'thing on the side'"

Fred's eyes widened, as did the rest of the groups, apart from Lee, who was still oblivious to the whole situation he just started, until Fred leaned across the table and slapped his friend across the back of the head.

"What was that for?!" Lee exclaimed,

"You're fucking dead, Jordan." Fred was not happy, and if looks could kill, his face definitely showed it.

"I fucking KNEW it!" George basically jumped up from excitement, spilling and shaking everyones goblets and plates, "Why don't you two tell me anything!"

"I don't have a thing on the side, thank you very much" Fred took a sip of his drink, "That night, you saw me, was a one time thing. Never saw the girl again, we didn't even do anything but a little kiss because..." Fred cleared his throat, "someone" he glared at Lee, "decided to come in with his little thing."

Lee's mouth opened into an O shape, and from the corner of his eye, Fred could see Angelina's anger on her face - she couldn't really react though, or she'd expose herself more than Lee's side of the situation has been.

"Sorry Lee, I wasn't going to call you out but since you apparently wanted to tell the whole table about my life, I wasn't having it."

"Excuse me," Florence spoke up, Angelina still quiet, "I don't want to sound inspirational or very cliché, but we also don't need to keep secrets from each other-"

"Thank you!" George spoke.

"But..." Florence spoke again, "we don't need to tell each other every detail of our lives, privacy is a thing."

BITTERSWEET ; FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now