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It was probably around 12am/1am the same night when Lydia had spent the last hour or two in the kitchen looking and eating food. It was no problem to the house elf that was awake, who was quite oblivious that Lydia was stoned. They actually offered to make Lydia something, as that was their job.

"Here you go, Miss Carter" the small elf handed a plate of chocolate spread on toast which had banana on top, to the girl sat on the counter top.

"Thank you... sorry what was your name again?" Lydia asked for the what seemed the hundredth time tonight, the elf had mentioned his name several times but Lydia just couldn't seem to remember, due to the drug hitting her.

"Dobby" he smiled while she took the plate off him, "Unfortunately I'm very tired and-"

"That's okay Dobby" Lydia waved a limp hand infront of her, "Go to bed, goodnight" and he did what she said. He apparated from the kitchen to wherever his bed was.

Lydia just sat there, on the counter top, stoned, eating her banana and chocolate toast without a care in the world. It had also seemed that, that night Fred Weasley also decided not to go straight to his dorm either, he headed towards the kitchen, just a little later than Lydia did.

He popped his head around the kitchen door to see if anyone else was in there, which there was, he saw Lydia Carter sat where she was, chomping on her toast. He noticed that she was very spaced out and her eyes were a bit more closed than usual, and her cheeks red. He laughed slightly at the sight of her, probably just the drug in his system though.

"Who's that?" Lydia noticed the shadow entering the room, "You know, if you're a professor or any sort of person who works here, I can just pretend i'm not here you know. So you can just come in here and I can eat my toast, while I am totally out of it in peace-"

"Well, let's just say if I was a professor, you'd probably be expelled in the next 30 minutes for outing yourself" Fred spoke and made his way to the part of the kitchen where Lydia was, making himself a bit more clear to her.

"Oh. Fred." Lydia bit her toast once more, "It's you"

"You don't need to be so ecstatic about it, calm down" He sarcastically spoke, "I know i'm the light of your life but-"

"Light of my life" Lydia scoffed, almost laughing, "Trust me, you're anything but that, Weasley" she took another bite of her toast.

Fred just shook his head whilst he searched the kitchen cupboards, fridges and freezer to find something to eat. There was nothing but silence in the room, apart from the crunches from Lydias toast.

"Jesus- Carter, do you have to chew so loud?" The redhead shut the fridge door behind him. Lydia didn't response to him, and just kept eating. "Why do I always find you in the kitchen somehow, anyways?" he asked.

"I don't know" Lydia jumped down from the counter top, tumbling slightly as her feet hit the floor, "But i'm always here first, so clearly someone here is a stalker, and it's not me" she said, putting her dirty plate into the sink.

Fred couldn't help but laugh, "Please, I have better things to do than stalk you, or talk to you or have anything to do with you" he began eating some icecream he found in the freezer.

"So, why do you talk to me when you're in the same room as me?" Lydia asked, Fred opened his mouth to talk but interrupted him before he did so, "It's not like we're friends, Weasley."

"You're my brothers best friend" he shrugged, "I have to make an effort with you sometimes. Especially when it's just us in the room, otherwise it's just awkward silence and I don't like tension"

BITTERSWEET ; FRED WEASLEYजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें