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"Oh my GOD!" Lydia dramatically sighed as she shut her dorm room door behind her, "Do you know how stressful any of the Weasley children are?" she popped herself on her bed, lying down.

The dorm was loud, as it usually was. Florences radio playing, Dreams by Fleetwood Mac echoed across the room as well as the muffled sound of the shower running coming from the bathroom, assuming Angelina was in there. On top of that was Florence playing on her technological device that kept pinging.

"Who's twisted-" PING! "your knickers this time?" Florence asked, still concentrated on her pinging device, PING! "Fred?"

Lydia shook her head, "For once, no!" PING! It's Ron, he won't stop bloody bugging me about-" PING! "Jesus, Flo. What are you doing?" she moved from her bed to her Florences.

"It's a muggle game" PING! "It's called a Gameboy? My Mum got me it for christmas last year, so addictive" PING! "and there's this little dude, called Mario and he has a brother called Luigi" she explained as it continued to ping.

Lydia just shook her head, "Sounds pretty cool but er-" she looked at her watch, "Don't you have somewhere to be?" she asked.

"Oh shit!" Florence shot up, "Yeah! I do!" passing her muggle game to Lydia, "Here, play with it or something" she shrugged, "I've got to meet Amelia, we're working on Herbology together"

"Good luck!" Lydia shouted as her friend left the room. Leaving her alone in the door, whilst Angelina showered.

Lydia moved back to her own bed, the song had change now to Killer Queen by Queen, one of her favourites. She gently threw Florences device, which landed at the bottom of her bed and lay on her back, knees bent, staring at the ceiling. She tapped her wand to the beat of the song against her leg as she hummed the song.

She waited patiently bored for Angelina to get out the shower so she could talk to her friend, to see how her day was, etc. Lydia sat up and on the edge of her bed and looked in her drawer to find a quill and parchment, to start writing a letter to her family. As she did so, the shower stopped running and there was movements happening in the bathroom.

The girl found some parchment but not a quill, or even a pen. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair, knowing she'd have to go and buy a new one because she had now lost hers. Still looking deep into her bedside table, she heard the bathroom door open and then heard it shut.

"Hey Angie" she spoke, now looking looking in her bottom draw, "You wouldn't have a quill, or a pen would you? I think i've left mine in the Library... again"

"Not again, Carter" a voice, that wasn't Angelina's, spoke, "Do you remember the last time you asked me that question?" It was Fred.

Lydias head shot up, but she didn't go very far because her top draw was still open, and she hit her head. She cursed to herself as she rubbed her head, her head in her bottom draw. Fred came over and shut the top drawer, for her as she stayed low down and rubbed her head.

"Now..." Fred was crouched, froggy style, infront of her, "that was stupid, wasn't it?"

She looked at the redhead infront of her. His hair wet and messy, probably from attempting to dry it with his towel. He was in sweats, black hoodie, grey joggers. Although she couldn't remember that night at the party, she got a sudden memory from when he was previous kneeling infront of her like this.

"Oh fuck off, Weasley" she sat up straight, "Why are you in my bathroom, anyways? I thought you were-"

"Angelina. I figured." he cut her off, "George and Amelia are in our dorm, and obviously you wouldn't be in that room while they're there. Or any room really-"

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