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Lydia headed down into the kitchen, along with Ginny and Hermione (who she was sharing a a room with) where there was four tired teenage boys all slumped at the kitchen table.

"Why can't we apparate there too" Fred spoke grumpily, pulling his bowl of porridge near him.

"Because you're not of age and besides- Oh good morning dears" Molly Weasley shot the three girls a smile as they chose a seat at the kitchen table.

It was the morning of the World Cup, it was far too early for any of them to function. Lydia had been at the Burrow for a few nights, whereas Harry and Hermione only arrived the previous night.

The three girls joined the four boys at the wooden table, Lydia sat between George and Harry, opposite Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Fred. "Morning George" she smiled softly at her friend.

George waved a limp hand infront of him as he shoved another spoonful of porridge in his mouth, "Yeah, yeah".

"Morning..." Harry yawned, "How did you sleep?" he too spoke with his mouth full of food, pushing his glasses up his nose a bit further.

"Not too bad, yourself?" Lydia asked, and he just shrugged in response. The girl then dug into her bowl of porridge as well as the others were doing.

They all sat there in silence, probably lost in their early morning thoughts of wanting to go back to sleep. In a few hours they'd be wide awake and energetic, at the World Cup. Molly was cleaning away the mess from the breakfast she made the lot and muttered something about having peace and quiet for once.

Not long later, familiar footsteps came downstairs, which happened to be Arthur Weasleys, he greeted the children as he came down and kissed his wife a good morning. You could tell by a mile off that he was much more energetic than the rest of his children and their friends.

The group was ready to leave almost thirty minutes later, after everyone double checked they had everything they needed. Mrs Weasley was hugging and kissing everyone a goodbye and told them to have a good time, until she got to the twins.

"Goodbye behave for your- George!" the ginger woman raised her voice at her son, "What is that in your pocket?!"

"Nothing!" George lied through his teeth, which caused a unpleasant scene of Mrs Weasley summoning Ton-Tongue Toffees from the twins jean and jacket pockets, even from Freds turnups of his jeans.

"We spent six months developing them!" Fred got defensive, "SIX! A baby could be developed in that time!" His comment caused the girls to laugh,

"Well, no wonder you didn't get more O.W.L.S!" You could practically see the steam come out of Mrs Weasleys ears, "Pay more attention in lessons too! A baby gets developed in six months, pathetic" she shook her head and binned all toffees she summoned from the boys.

Making her way to Lydia, Mrs Weasley hugged her a goodbye before speaking, "Lydia dear, make sure these two behave please" she smiled at the girl.

"Of course Mrs Weasley" she smiled back at the woman, "I always do".

"Are you sure, you have nothing to do with this sweet prank malarkey?" she squinted her eyes at Lydia, as if she suspicious of her.

"Never, I hardly know what they're up to"

"I bet you got more OWLS than them two, am I right?" Molly was basically embarrassing the twins at this point, "Outstanding in Transfiguration, did I hear?" she shot a glare at the two boys once again, where George was holding back a laugh but Fred just rolled his eyes.

"Yup" Lydia responded, "Don't worry Mrs Weasley, i'll make sure they'll do better this year". Lydias words made Mrs Weasley smile and she hugged her once more before kissing her husband on the cheek and watched the eight leave The Burrow.

BITTERSWEET ; FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now