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Fred Weasley woke up Saturday morning in his usual four-poster bed with a head full of hair in his face. Olivia Nelson, Ravenclaw was sleeping next to the boy, their bodies against one another, due to the fact his bed was tiny.

He slowly unwrapped himself from the Ravenclaw and throwing on a tshirt that was on the floor that was discarded sometime last night. Fred sat on the edge of his bed running his hands through his hair, sighing.

Turning around he softly shook the girl still in his bed, "Olivia" he spoke, "Olivia" he shook her once more until she turned over to face the ginger boy while she was yawning, eyes half closed. "You've gotta leave," he said, "everyone's going to be awake soon, you're not supposed to be here. Remember?"

"I'm up, i'm up" the blonde girl sat up on the other side of Freds bed, his sheets around her bare body. She scanned the bedroom floor that was a mess (but to nobody's surprise because it was a dorm that belonged to three idiots) for her clothes that also had been discarded last night.

After Olivia got ready to go back to her own dorm, Fred walked her down to the empty common room where they said their goodbyes.

"I'll see you in a bit" Fred looked down at the girl as they reached the common room. Olivia just nodded before reaching up to kiss the boy goodbye but Fred turned his head, avoiding the kiss. The kiss was on his cheek instead.

This hurt Olivia but she just shook it off, "maybe it was because it was early in the morning or something" she thought.

"What are you doing today?" she asked, "Obviously you're going to Hogsmeade but is there anything you're doing?"

"Oh" said Fred, "I think probably just go to the joke shop with George and the group, grab some butterbeer before we head back to school. Then after there's a party in the common room tonight" he explained

Olivia hesitated slightly before asking, "Maybe... we could do that together? Just the two of us though? Like a-"

"Oh" Fred said once again.

"I mean, if you don't want to thats fine, i asked last minute. We could always-"

"Olivia" he cut her off, "You're a lovely girl and all but I just don't think I like you like that." Fred said truthfully.

"Right" she just nodded in response, "I'll see you around Fred" you could hear her voice break slightly, she turned around before Fred could see the tears in her eyes.

"Olivia, I-" but before he could finish, Olivia quickly moved across the common room and left out the painting. The boy sighed deeply before rubbing his face in frustration, but his head shot up when he heard a voice.

"Breaking girls hearts, left, right and centre." Lydia was stood on the opposite side of the room, at the bottom of the girls stairs, "And at nine in the morning, what a way to ruin somebody's day"

"Come off it" Fred rolled his eyes at her comment.

"Why'd you say no?" Lydia asked, Fred just looked at her in confusion, "She's a nice girl. Well, I don't know her that much but she must be if she's been in your bed every night this week" Lydia shrugged,

"Who told you-"

"I'm best friends with your brother, I know things I shouldn't" she shrugged and moved across the room sitting on a red sofa, "Plus, I walked in on you two the other day, didn't I" she raised her eyebrows at the boy, "Ruined my day at nine in the morning too. You've got a streak, Weasley. Keep it going"

"For somebody who hasn't gotten with anyone, you have quite a lot to say about what happens in my life." Lydia was winding Fred up, and he knew it and she knew it was working, "At least i'm getting some"

BITTERSWEET ; FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now