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It was early Monday morning when Lydia decided to greet her best friend before they went down to breakfast. However, her plan didn't go how she wished it would.

Running up the stairs to the boys dorm, she reached the room that Fred, Lee and George shared. "Hey George!" Lydia didn't think anything of it and just swung open their door.

She expected to see the three boys about to leave for their first meal of the day, but instead the girl saw Fred Weasley with his pants and underwear around his ankles, and a Ravenclaw girl she recognised from a few of her classes, on her knees.

Fred opened his eyes as soon as he heard the door open, "What are you-" he shouted

"Oh my god!" Lydia shouted back and without hesitation she ran out the room, shutting the door behind her. Her mouth in an O shape, she stood further down in the hall in shock.

"Lydia!" George saw the girl as he walked up the stairs, "I've been looking for you" he smiled at his friend but she didn't smile back, she still stood there in shock.

"Yeah, I was looking for you too" she explained, "until I walked into your dorm to walk in on your brother getting sucked off!"

Georges face turned to disgust when she told him. "This early in the morning?!" Lydia just nodded, "I mean... at least he's getting some" he shrugged and grabbed Lydias hand, "Let's go get some breakfast" and took her down the stairs.

"I don't think I have an appetite anymore" Lydia shook her head, but George still dragged her down to The Great Hall, where the rest of their friends were.

The group, apart from Fred, were sat at the breakfast table talking about their lessons and other things. "Lydia!" Angelina waved her hand infront of the girls face, "Did you hear my question?"

"Sorry!" Lydia snapped out of her trance and had a bite of the toast that has been in her hand for the last five minutes, "What were you saying?"

"Are you okay Lydia?" Florence asked, "You're really quite, and pale"

Lydia nodded and bit another bite of her toast, "Yeah, yeah. Just a bit out of it" she smiled at her friends telling them to continue to eat

"I said" Angelina spoke, "There's a party next Saturday, after the trip to Hogsmeade. A good luck party for Harry before his first task the next day" she explained, "You in?"

"A party?" Lydia asked, "Yeah of course, i'm always in" she winked at her friend causing her to smile.

"Morning" Fred mumbled, greeting his friends and sat down on the same bench as Lydia. Lee, George, Florence and Angelina greeted him back apart from Lydia.

The brunette moved slightly away from Fred as he sat down, they didn't make any eye contact with each other and the two ate in silence while the rest were deep in conversation.

"What's wrong with you two?" Florence asked after observing them for a few moments, "You're acting weird. Weirder than usual"

"Yeah I noticed that too" Lee spoke up, "What happened, did you see his dick or something?" Lee joked whilst he ate his cereal. The rest of the group laughed, especially George, until Lee realised they weren't laughing and they had a nervous look on their face. "Oh my god" Lee spat his cereal out, "You saw Freds.... dick" he gasped, Angelina and Florence covered their mouths in response.

"You should have seen Lydias face when she came out of the room!" George continued laughing, "Poor girl was in shock"

The two said nothing.

Fred cleared his throat, changing the subject, "Are the sausages nice?" he asked but there was immediate regret when Lee snorted and said,

"I bet Lydia seeing yours wasn't!"

George was in stitches at this point. Angelina and Florence too, until Lydia shot them a glare which caused them to stop, but left them with the urge to continue.

"Oh my god" Lydia mumbled to herself, "Okay! Yes! I saw Freds penis!" she put her hands up in surrender, "Big whoop! I didn't mean to see it!"

"How did it happen-"

"Fred doesn't know how to lock a door" Lydia spoke,

"Oh i'm sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone to walk in!" Fred turned to face Lydia, "It's my room!"

"Yeah but surely, when you're getting your dick sucked you lock the door!" Lydia exclaimed, "Especially when you share a room with two other people! It could have been anyone!" Lydias response caused the rest of the group to nod and hum in agreement.

"Wait" Lee looked confused, "You were getting sucked off?!" he asked. Fred just ignored his question continuing to eat his breakfast, "That early in the morning? Jeez"

There was a moment of awkward silence between the six of them, until the sound of squawks filled the hall. Lydia mentally thanked the owls for coming in now, as it would change topic of conversation.

"Mail!" George pointed at the owls with his mouth full of food. A few letters dropped in front of the group, they all had a letter to open. "Ron! This ones for you" George handed a cardboard box that Rons name on and slid it down the table to his younger brother.

Lydia opened an envelope that contained two different letters, one from her Mum and Dad and the other from her brother, Liam.

"Why is that one half in English and half in... a different language?" Fred asked Lydia

"Don't you have your own mail to look at?" Lydia rolled her eyes, "Half of it is written by my Mum, and half of it was written by my Dad. He's Italian". Fred just raised his eyebrows and nodded, before turning his head to look at his own mail from Molly.

Lydias eyes scanned her letter from her parents. Half way through her fathers half of the letter, her eyes filled with tears but before anyone could notice she shook her head, putting her letter in her bag and made a mental note to read the rest later.

"What the bloody hell is that?!" George shouted, pointing at Ron with the dress robes he had in his hands. The Gryffindor table just laughed.

"Why has Mum sent me this?!" Ron was in disgust of the robes but confused of why they were sent to him, "Ginny, I think this is for you"

The table laughed even more, "Ron they're for you!" Hermione tried to hide her laughter as much as she could.

"Mr Weasley, why are you making this much... Oh." Professor Mcgonagall came over to the table and looked at the dress robes in Rons hands, "I see you're prepared"

"Prepared?" Florence asked, "Prepared for what Professor?"

"The Yule Ball" Mcgonagall responded, "You'll find out more about the event in your lessons today. Now, your lessons start soon, start getting prepared to go to them lessons" she walked away from the table.

"The Yule Ball?" Lee questioned.

"A Ball!" Florence squealed, "Does this mean I get to dress up?!"

"I guess so?" Lydia shrugged.

Not long later, the group went to their lessons. They spent the day talking about The Yule Ball, Mcgonagall spoke of earlier that morning. They didn't find out until last lesson, their curiosity lasted the whole day. Let's just say, the majority were pleased to have a dance, however the rest weren't as excited.

Bit of a short but funny one today!

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