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It hadn't been too long since the Weasley clan and friends arrived back at The Burrow after the Cup. Mrs Weasley welcomed them back with open arms, especially the twins because of their argument before they left for the Cup.

It was now was one of the very last days of the summer holiday before the teenagers would be back on their way to Hogwarts, in a few days time. It was a nice, sunny day and Ron suggested a game of quidditch to keep them all busy until dinner was ready, which the group (apart from Hermione) all happily accepted.

Plus it was one of the very rare days Bill and Charlie would have a day off with all their siblings, so they had to make the most of it.

"Last one to the broom shed has to help Mum wash up after dinner!" George shouted as he sprinted out of the back door to the shed, and the rest of them followed, running like their life depended on it, "Our dear Ron is last, you're helping Mum" George ran his hand through his hair before throwing Fred the keys to the broom shed.

"But Ginny was the last one here" Ron crossed his arms with slight anger, stamping his foot like he was a child. George and Ron began to bicker, once again, like children.

"Yeah well" George shrugged, "Ginny helped last night, you know Mum's rules, nobody does a double night on the dishes!" Fred had finished unlocking the broom shed and everyone grabbed a broom.

Fred began to sort the teams out, as he always did, "Right... Harry, Ron and Bill you're on my team. George you're on a team with Charlie, Ginny, and Carter"

He went onto tell everyone to choose what position they wanted to play between themselves, gripping onto his broomstick tightly, Lydia noticed the veins in his hands stand out.

Lydia was shook out her trance when Charlie nudged the girl, "You're alright with playing Keeper, right?" he asked whilst mounting his broom, "I know you usually play Chaser but-"

"Yeah it's alright Charlie, no worries" she smiled at the handsome ginger leaning over her. Once Lydia too got on her broom, the two shot off the ground and into the air, getting into their positions.

Hermione, who was refereeing the game due to her being less sporty than the others, started off the game for the lot and chaos began.

It was never going to be an easy game with the people they had playing. You had Ron and Charlie as Chasers, Lydia and Bill as Keepers, Ginny and Harry as Seekers, and of course Fred and George as Beaters. Obviously due to only seven of them playing, they had to cut down on the amount of players they'd have in a usual game.

"50-20 to Freds team!" Hermione shouted around 10 minutes into the game.

Lydia felt herself getting more and more frustrated, "You've got to be fucking kidding me" the girl grunted.

"Maybe if you knew how to play, Carter." Fred stopped next to her, "You should take some lessons, it's not that hard"

"Oh come off it, Weasley" she knew what he was doing. They were both on the Gryffindor quidditch team and even during practice he'd find ways to anger her, he thought she was the easiest person in the world to wind up.

"Lydia! Get it!" Georges voice echoed, echoed enough that Fred also heard it. The two of them both got ready to get the Quaffle.

Fred held his bat tightly. Ready to swing it, and as he did, he underestimated how far Lydia was really behind him. The bat came in contact with her stomach as he swung back before he swung forward, knocking her off the broom, god knows how high they were.

Fred didn't really understand what had happened. The boy smiled at hitting the Quaffle towards his team member, he went to turn back towards Lydia to insult the girl but she wasn't there. Instead she was on the grass.

BITTERSWEET ; FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now