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It had been two and a half weeks since the First Task and the afterparty. Two and a half weeks since the chaotic moment between Fred, Angelina, Lee and Lydia (which nobody, but Fred, knew she was under the blanket) and nobody was suspicious of Fred and Lydias little disappearing act.

Angelina and Lee were obviously far too down each others throat to even bother asking who Fred was with, Florence went to bed early and Amelia and George were on a walk before Amelia went back to her dorm. Sam Williams never showed up at the party, he decided to celebrate at Cedrics party instead - which was understandable, considering they are best friends.

The last two weeks was nothing exciting, just a massive build-up to the Yule Ball along with Fred and Lydia constantly teasing each other, stealing sneaky kisses whenever and wherever they could and fake fighting - Fred said it's to keep their cover, but nobody really knew what they did behind the scenes. Speaking of behind, they were far behind on their Transfiguration project.

"Fred, " Lydia sighed and put her quill down, "you're giving me a headache" The two were sat in the library along with a few other Hogwarts students, mainly fifth, sixth and seventh years studying.

Fred sighed dramatically, "Maybe if we were doing something fun" he began tapping his fingers on the wooden table, his face lit up as he gasped and reached into his robe pocket.

"What have you got now-" He placed a few balls, that were wrapped up with a tie around them, on the table and Lydia immediately knew what they were. Her face dropped. "Fred, no."

They were firework bombs he and George had been working on, they've always been interested in joke stuff, especially from Zonko's but the twins recently discovered an interest in making them and getting involved in betting.

"Why not-"

"What do you mean, why not?" she glared at the redhead, "We're in a library, and let's not forget we're about a week or two behind on this work because someone can't keep their hands to themself" she whisper-yelled, talking about their secret meet-ups.

"First of all, i'm not that someone" Fred scoffed, "Second of all, if not here..." he stood up and shoved the books on the table into his bag, "we'll go elsewhere!" he had that mischievous look on his face that he always has when he thinks of a plan - a plan to get them in trouble. He grabbed Lydia's wrist and ran out of the library, dragging her behind him, with his usual cheeky smile plastered on his face.


"Oh c'mon, Carter!" Fred turned around, "You're the only person I can have fun with, Angelina and Lee are doing only Merlin knows what. George and Amelia... well you know what they do, and Florence is always busy with prefect stuff!" He was basically whining and begging at this point.

"So you're saying i'm not your second, not third, and not even your fourth choice..." Lydia narrowed her eyes at the boy, "but your fifth? Great to know where you place me on your ranking board, Weasley." she teased.

"No you're not my fifth choice, but you're also not my first." He looked down at her, "George is my first, always. You know that though".

Lydia shrugged, "Fair enough", she was still getting dragged around the castle by Fred, "Fred where are we-" and they stopped.

Of course. Filch's office.

"Surely you saw this coming" they both hid around the corner as they saw Filch walking down the corridor away from them, he was whispering to himself.

"Them bloody ginger twins," his voice slightly echoed down the hallway, "the day I get rid of them is the day I get peace - that bloody ghost too."

BITTERSWEET ; FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now