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"What. The. Fuck." Lydia was hanging off her bed slightly that Sunday morning, staring at the tall sleeping ginger boy that was on her floor.

She looked up to scan the other beds, it seems that Angelina wasn't in her bed but Lydia looked to the other side of the room to see if Florence was there, and she was.

Lydia slowly got out of her bed and quietly walked over to her sleeping roommate. "Flo" Lydia whispered, shaking her slightly. Florence hummed and turned to her other side. Lydia shook a bit more, "Flo" and again, "Flo!" and again, "Florence!"

"What?!" the blonde girl sat up, shouting slightly, frustrated at the fact she'd been woken. Lydia didn't say anything else, just put her index to her lip and signalled Florence to follow her. "This better be worth it" the girl mumbled before getting out of her bed and walking to the other side of Lydias bed.

Lydia pointed at the floor, "Fred." she whispered

Florence mimicked her, "Fred." she repeated. Lydia nodded. "Did you come here with you? Why's he here!" she asked

"Well... he didn't come here with you. Angelinas not here. Of course he came with me!" Lydia whisper yelled, moving her hands around the place slightly

"But you two, but you two aren't friends?" Flo's face frowned, "It makes no sense!"

"I know!" Lydia was confused, "I remember coming up with George and he helped me get ready for bed but-"

"Oh my god" Florence came to a realisation, "It was Fred!"

"It was Fred!" Lydia gasped. They both looked at Fred on the floor, who was breathing softly as he slept. "He's nice like that," Lydia spoke, "with his mouth shut" she joked.

"Stop being mean" Florence nudged the girl, "Wake him up" they were still whispering.

"No, you do it why do I have-"

"Because he came up with you-"

"I don't like him he's your frie-"

"Well you two were clearly friends last night because he's next to your bed!" Florence pushed Lydia towards him.

"Fine!" she gave in. Crowching down to the floor, she poked the boy slightly on his side, "Fred" she kept poking his side, then she resulted to shaking him and repeating his name, like she had woke Florence only moments ago.

"Weasley!" She stopped whispering and shook him harder, "Fred Weasley, get off my floor right now or i'm going to shove your wand where the sun doesn't shine!"

Freds eyes slowly opened, and closed and opened once more. He stretched out on the floor, holding his back, "Why am I on the floo- Oh." he turned to see both Lydia and Florence towering over him.

"Morning sleepyhead, good sleep?" Florence laughed sitting on the edge of Lydias bed as he stood up.

"I think i'm just going to-" Fred nodded his head towards the door, walking towards it

"Yeah" Lydia nodded and watched him leave but before he left the room, she came to a realisation. "Wait, Weasley!" she followed him out the room and into the hallway. "You were... sober last night? Weren't you?" she asked,

"Yeah, i'm surprised you remembered I was considering how drunk you were" Fred scoffed slightly before turning away, Lydia grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"I didn't remember, that's why I asked" she let go of his wrist, "We erm-" she cleared her throat, "We didn't do anything last night, did we?"

"I was hoping you'd remember-"


"I'm pulling your wand, Carter." Fred laughed, "No, we didn't do anything" Lydia sighed of relief and hit Fred on his arm slightly, "All that happened was that you thought I was George, you cried over kissing someone and then asked me to help you get to bed. So that's what I did" Fred explained.

"Oh" Lydia sighed of relief once more, "Well, that's good."

"Yeah" Fred nodded. He turned around to leave, again but he was stopped again,

"Thank you." Lydia spoke. Fred's face frowned slightly, he wasn't used to the conversation being civil between them, "For last night, i'd rather be put to bed by you than someone I don't trust- Not that I trust you! Don't let that get into your head, Weasley"

"You just said you trust me, you're never living that down" Fred teased,

"Oh come off it" Lydia rolled her eyes, turning to go back into her dorm but this time she was stopped.

"You erm, told me last night, something about your dad?" that sentence made Lydias heart drop. She didn't say anything, she just let him continue, "I know you haven't told anyone apart from me and I feel bad because you thought I was George and I know we're not good terms and we never have been but if you need-"

"You have no right to say anything about this, Fred." Lydias voice broke slightly, but her face didn't show her sadness, "You had no right to pretend you were George and I know that I was the one who told you but please don't mention this again. To nobody. Not even to George."

"Of course" Fred shot Lydia a soft smile, which was barely even a smile, and began to make his way back to his own dorm. He went to turn around again to say something but Lydias door was already shutting behind her.

Fred went to his dorm that morning and slept in his own bed for the next two hours before Lee woke him up vigorously.


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