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"Good afternoon, all!" Lydia smiled at all her very hungover friends, who looked like they haven't slept in years. "You all look like you got hit by a bus. Good night?" she asked,

"How are you... okay?" Angelina pointed her fork at her friend, "You were so drunk last night, the last time I saw you, you were playing tonsil tennis with Sam Williams."

"Sam Williams?!" George exclaimed,

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever" Lydia waved a limp hand infront of her, "Notice anything different?!" she asked waving her hands infront of the group.

They all sat and stared at her, trying to see what she was talking about.

"You got rid of your monobrow?" Fred asked, which resulted in a slap on the back of his head,

"No!" Lee shook his head, "She got rid of that spot on her chin" he pointed at her chin, "Look, gone"

"Clearly, she had sex." George shrugged, "Nobody is that happy and nobody glows like that after a party." the group nodded and hummed in agreement.

"No!" Lydia shook her head, "No, I don't have a monobrow! I didn't get rid of my spot and I didn't have sex with anyone! Look!" she put her arm on the table, "No cast!" she smiled

"Oh" they all said in unison, not interested.

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes, "Anyways, Lee, what happened to you? I saw you dancing on a table when I got down and never saw you again" the group laughed,

"Oh Lydia, if I knew" he shoved a slice of toast in his mouth, "i'd tell you!"

"Miss Angelina Johnson" Florence cleared her throat,  "You were not in our dorm this morning, when we woke up. Where were you?" she questioned

Everyones head turned towards the girl.

"I-" she hesitated, "Slept in the common room, got too drunk. Passed out there."

"Hmm" Florence looked her friend up and down, "Whatever you say, Johnson"

"Speaking of waking up without a roommate, I woke up without both of mine!" Lee looked at the twins, "Where were you two?! Nobody was there to help me be sick."

"I'm glad I wasn't there then" Fred joked,

"Me too" George laughed, "I was with somebody" he shrugged

"Amelia Davis" Florence told them, "He was with Amelia."

"Thanks Flo" George looked at Florence, wanting to hide who he was with, "Yeah. I stayed with Amelia last night"

"Your Transfiguration partner?" Lydia asked and George just nodded.

"And?" Fred and Lee said in unison. George just nodded and a cheer came from the two boys, high -fiving and congratulating George for his achievement last night.

The girls just shook their heads, "Ah yes, let's all praise George for losing his virginity!" Angelina ate her food, "Pathetic" she shook her head.

"Just cause you can't get some" George said jokingly

Angelina looked at the boy, "Who said I couldn't?" she raised her eyebrows. This caused the whole group to laugh apart from George ... and Lee.

Lee just put his head down and ate his food. George just shook his head, Fred was laughing. Both Angelina and Lees silence didn't go unnoticed though, Florence and Lydia shared a look after looking at the two.

"Anyways!" Angelina clapped her hands, "The Yule Ball! Who's got a date?"

This question caused the group to go into deep discussion of, who wants to take who and who wants to go alone. With a bit of chat about how you can't go alone because it's pathetic.

BITTERSWEET ; FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now