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It was now the 1st of November. The first task for the Triwizard Tournament was coming up soon, and then a month after that it would be The Yule Ball. Lydia still didn't have a date, but she wasn't that bothered because she figured she'd be going as a group, with her friends. She didn't realise she was wrong until she had an evening with George.

Lydia made her way down to the common room, where she had agreed to meet George, just after dinner. She sat in her usual corner, as she waited for him to come down the stairs, well as she expected. However, the boy came fifteen minutes late, through into the common room through the painting with more than enough marks on his neck and his hair wasn't as neat as he usually has it.

"Well, well" Lydia looked at him as he made his way towards her, "Somebody's late! What's your excuse? Vacuum caught your neck?" she laughed examining his neck as he came closer.

"Oh shut it" he rolled his eyes, "We're not going anywhere if you're going to be cheeky" he nudged his friend.

"Like i'd wanna go anywhere with you!" she teased, George went to open his mouth but before he had the chance Lydia spoke, "Before you say anything, it was you who asked to have an evening together" she stood up, looking up at her friend.

"Oh yeah" he scratched the back of his neck, "That's very true" he shrugged, "Well, let's go shall we?" he asked and she nodded. They both made their way out the common room and to their favourite place.

The kitchens.

Ever since first year they accidentally stumbled across the kitchen one day and they would go at least twice a week to create the craziest thing they could and then one week, they discovered their best invention yet. They called it, The Leorge Special, it was their names combined and they claimed it was just special. It was every icecream flavour the kitchen freezer had, with a shit tonne of jelly sweets, chocolates and to top it all off their favourite strawberry syrup.

They don't really know how they made a bunch of sugary stuff taste so good, but they did.

"Hmmmm" George groaned, "So. Fucking. Good." Lydia nodded in response, taking another spoonful of the dessert, moving slightly to the beat of the music, coming from the radio they had turned on.

"So" Lydia cleared her throat putting her bowl of icecream beside her as she sat on the countertop, "What made you call this emergency evening meetup?"

George shrugged, "I guess, we haven't had us time in a while, you know? Just wanted a catchup with my best friend, is that alright?" he asked

"It's more than alright" she smiled, feeling happy that she was doing something other than revision, "I've just been spending so much time on my homework and studies, and that project i have to do with Fred for Mcgonagall. Let's not forget you have all your classes and you're spending your time playing tonsil tennis!" she joked

"Hey!" George threw a sweet at the girl, which she moved to avoid, "Maybe I like spending time with my girlfriend!"

Lydias jaw dropped, "Girlfriend?! George! I'm so happy for you" she dropped down from the bench to hug him, "When did it happen?!"

"Literally about twenty minutes before I met you before" he smiled. It was a genuinely happy smile, he obviously always had a smile on his face, whether it would be smug, sneaky or a laughing smile, Lydia could tell it was different this time.

"Aw, i'm so happy for you George" she smiled again, hugging him once more, she moved back into her place ontop of the countertop and listened to him explain how he did it. "Wait so am I the first one to know?"

BITTERSWEET ; FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now