45; A Valentines Date 2

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"Hey, where are you going?" I called out, my heart pounding with worry as Junhao pulled away into the crowd. I chased after them, my footsteps echoing against the pavement, but my efforts were halted as a group of girls surrounded me.

"Zuo Hang!!!" their excited voices pierced the air, accompanied by the flashing of cameras. I instinctively shielded my face and broke away, retreating back to the dance studio.

"What happened to you?" Jiaxin's concerned voice greeted me as I stumbled in.

"Nothing," I muttered, ducking into the restroom. I hastily swapped my dance uniform for a simple polo and jeans, trying to shake off the lingering embarrassment.

"Done there?" Azhi's voice startled me as I emerged.

"Yeah," I replied tersely, my emotions still raw.

"You seem off, man," he remarked, his tone light but observant.

"What's so funny, Mr. Azhi?" I snapped, my frustration bubbling to the surface.

Zhu chuckled and handed me his phone. "Zhubao messaged me, take a look."

I glanced at the message, my heart skipping a beat. "Please tell Hang that we will be back‚ Junhao just needs me right now. Please let him read this. Hope you understand."

"Why didn't she just message me directly?" I asked, confused.

"Read the PS," Zhu prompted, pointing to the screen. "She's too shy to message you, so she asked me to pass it along."

I felt a mixture of relief and warmth flood through me. "Okay, thanks for showing me."

"Anytime," Azhi replied with a grin, grabbing his bag. "I'll change now."

As he disappeared into the restroom, I pulled out my phone and opened Weibo, my fingers trembling slightly as I composed a message to her.



Hey, you busy, eh?

Not too much, we're just talking.

What happened to him? 
Why do you need to accompany him this early? 
Are you going to take longer? 
Aren't we going to have a date? 

You're over acting, Xiao Hang. I'll be back sooner, bye! (' . .̫ . ')

Fine, I love you...
(~ ̄³ ̄)~


I took a heavy sigh. "Maybe Junhao really needs her..."

It is already 9Am, we went to the cafeteria to eat some snacks, but both of them still didn't went back. "Don't overthink, Hang, you will drown on your own thoughts..." It was Enzi who whispered.

"Tss..." I rolled my eyes.

"They will come later, don't worry..." He tapped my shoulder.

"I'll just go to the mall..." Azhi stood up.

Fan Series #1; Choosing Her [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now