Funeral Video

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I drew Zeraphine bc yall were wondering what he looked like lol ik my drawing sucks, but here XD it's the pic above♡

It felt like it's been four days since your death, and as promised, Zeraphine came back. You were punching and kickinga certain place in a wall. But when the wall even had a small hold in it, it would get sealed up right after by a glowing, white light.

"Uhh.." Zeraphine got your attention and held up a phone "got your funeral on camera if you wanna see it, kid."

You silently rolled your eyes at him, and picked up a pen, stabbing it into the wall. The pen got flew out of the wall and landed on the ground. You stuck your finger in the wall where the pen had damaged it, and fought against the force that tried to push you away from it.

"That's not gonna work." Zeraphine chuckled "cmon, come look at this. I only got permission to be here for about ten minutes."

"Just send it to me." You rolled your eyes "if you can get my phone and bring it here, that is."

"Can't." He said and ran his pale white fingers through his black hair "just watch this, and I could see if can pull some strings to see if I can get an angel you knew in here."

"They wont be a memory?" You asked suspiciously while still struggling to tear apart the wall.

You got blown back, but it didnt hurt. Nothing really hurt in there, even if you smacked your head on the floor. And you couldnt get injured, either.

"They wont be a memory." He confirmed "theyll be real like me, and like you."

You sat on the floor and thought for a moment as the memory around changed to you slamming Teglons head onto the desk and breaking his nose. It was pretty funny, after all. You sighed as you saw you were standing infront of the memory of the demons nose bleeding, and you went and sat down in your spot again.

"Fine." You mumbled "bring me James when you get the chance."

"Alright." Zeraphine knelt down to face you and handed you his opened up phone screen to a video.

You pressed play and watched silently as the screen played.

On the screen, both Sam and Jenny were sobbing in the front row as the preacher spoke. All the demon brothers were in the row behind your aunts. Seven, Zen and the rest of the RFA were next to your aunts, crying their eyes out like everyone else. The Angel's, Ruby and Solomon were there crying as well. Even Lucifer and Belphi were crying, but not as loudly as everyone else.

Hyun stopped what the preacher was saying and stood up quickly "y/n would want this.." he sobbed loudly "move, she wouldn't want a preacher here."

The preacher looked at him weirdly, then walked off to the side. Seven stood up slowly with a few sheets of paper in his hands.

He started to read off them "y/n was my best friend, as you all know..." he got a big frustrated with tears rolling down his face, ripped up the paper, and threw it on the floor with as much force as he could put into his arm, and pointed at Mammon "you were there! You should have protected her! My best friend is DEAD because of you!"

Mammon stood up and walked over to Luciel "you dont think I dont know that?! I wish it was me instead of her! She die infront of me, man! I fucking wish it was me so badly!"

"Enough!" Belphi suddenly shouted "I didnt know her that well, but I sure know she wouldn't have wanted her two favorite people fighting over something like this!"

Lucifer got his brother and lead him back to his seat with great sorrow. Belphi cradled his sobbing twin in his arms and let Luciel continue what he was going to say.

Saeyoung went over to your open casket and fixed your hair that way you always liked it. He reached down and took your locket off your neck that your parents gave you when you were a kid. He cried harder when he felt how cold your skin was when he got the necklace off you.

Ruby got off Asmos lap and jumped onto the edge of your casket. They let Seven pick them up and cried on his shoulder at the sight of your lifeless body.

"Th-they wanted to put you in a dress." Seven said with his voice cracking "I convinced your aunts to get you dressed in your favorite tux."

"Seven, come sit back down." V said to his friend with tears slipping down his face "looking at her wont do any good for you. Trust me, please."

"Fuck off!" He suddenly said to the almost blind man "she... wasn't supposed to go out like that, yknow?"

"I-I can agree with ya there." Mammon agreed "she'll come back and see us, she promised me she would."

"Oh what do you know?!" Hyun turned around in his seat and yelled at the demon "she probably lied to you! Didnt she also say that she wasn't going to ever leave you, or some bullshit like that?!"

"She wasnt lying!" Mammon yelled back "you'll beleive me when you see her again! I dont fucking care if ya don't now, but you will see her again!"

"I beleive Mammon is right." Solomon spoke up and wiped off a few tears "she was a ruthless, and determined woman. I beleive we may see her again in the future."

Seven finally went back to his seat without a word and stuffed your necklace in his pocket without a word. He stroked Ruby's black and red fur, crying silently.

"I'm sorry." Sam turned around and looked Mammon dead in the eye "it never occured to me how much she really loved you- I shouldnt have ever-"

"Yeah, ya shouldnt have." Mammon said while looking angrily at her with more and more tears in his eyes "I know what you're gonna say. I know you were protecting her in your own twisted way, also. But I also know that this isnt the end of mine and hers story, so when she comes back I'd like it better if ya would just keep your mouth shut about our relationship."

Sam reached to him and took his hand in hers. It was really unlike her at all to even want to touch a demon.

"You have my word." She said with her lip trembling "h-how would you all like to come out to dinner with us? Y/n wouldn't want us to be sad about her all day, she'd want us to do something together."

Ome by one, each person nodded and agreed to go. Then the video ended. You wiped a tear that slid out of your eye and handed the phone back to Zeraphine.

"They're at dinner now at your favorite restaurant." Zeraphine said softly "thought you should see that."

You held back the rest of tears and sadness inside you, and stood up straight. Zeraphine was just only doing his job, and here he was trying to give you a little peace. He was also trying to make sure youd stop trying to get out of heaven. It didnt change you mind, it just made you even more determined to escape now.

His job was busy, but he was taking his time to help and make you rest better here. Zeraphine was a hard worker, much like you were. Hes a workaholic.

"Dont forget to bring James here as soon as possible." You reminded the reaper.

"I will." He said while running his hand through his messy hair, and disappearing.

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now