a/n pls dont skip it

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I just posted an announcement on my account, I need you guys to read it because I'm actually really scared. I trust all of yours judgement, and you dont have to hold anything back you want to say on it.

It's about my abusive bf and where/when I should break up with him. The details on what hes done are on the post, please I need your help I'm not joking.

I had a panic attack not even an hour ago just thinking about breaking up with him and if he lashed out. I absolutely need your help. No, this is not a roleplay, yes this is real life happening to me, your author.

I. Need. Your. Help. Now. Please 😭😭😭

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora