Teglons changed yall, dont hate him so much now XD

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"I have an idea!" Mammon burst into your room while you were on video call with 7.

Asmo was doing your hair while you were also playing a video game with Levi. You had your phone propped up on a desk facing you, and Beel was on your bed eating pizza with his twin asleep behind him on your bed. Satan was reading a book in the corner, and Lucifer was the only one who wasnt in your room because he was apperiently too good for that or whatever.

"What is it, babe?" You asked whole not looking away from the game that you were winning.

"What if you just ate the crystal?" He asked "then you wouldn't dissapear!"

"That actually doesnt sound stupid." Asmo giggled "but it might be."

"It is very stupid." Satan said "and I can explain why so your small pea sized brain can comprehend it, too, Mammon."

"Lolol, tell em, Satan." Levi giggled, but began to rage as he was quickly being killed by you.

"Its stupid because when y/n touches the crystal, she has a physical body that doesnt age. She can eat, drink, whatever. But it has to come out as well, still."

"Ah man!" Mammin whined.

"Yeah." You smirked as you ended the round and won against Levi "sorry, Mammon. We'll figure it out, though."

"Oh yeah," Saeyoung chirped through the phone screen "Hyun's next show is next month. I could take you, if you want."

"Sure." You giggled.

"What?" Mammon said with obvious jealousy running through him "that guy who has a thing for you? The one with long hair?"

Saeyoung put himself on mute after realizing he shouldn't have said that with Mammon there. The room fell quiet, and Mammons jealousy was even heavier than Levi's. Your boyfriend was livid.

"Yeah." You said nonchalantly and stood up, kissing his cheek "dont worry, he'll move on now. He promised me he would."

"He better." Mammon huffed angrily "because you're my human. I dont care if you're dead, you're still mine."

Beel spoke up nicely "you want some pizza?"

You giggled and took his offer, and took a peice of pizza "thank you, Bubby."

"You're welcome." He smiled.

"Okay!" Saryoung unmuted himself "I gotta go, I'm getting a call from Hyun. I'll keep you a secret, y/n, dont worry."

"Thank you!" You waved.

All 6 of the brothers said goodbye to your human best friend in unison before he hung up. Lucifer walked in and said the most unexpected thing ever then and there.

"Teglon is here to see you, y/n."

All 6 of the brothers pulled you to the bed and behind them, then looked all serious. You chuckled and told the eldest to let him in. Not long after, the albino demon with bright purple eyes slowly walked in with regret washing over him like a waterfall.

"Hey." You got up and walked past all the brothers, getting face to face with him "you owe me a huge ass apology."

"I know, I do, I'm sorry." He sighed and couldnt even look you in the eyes "I got help, I'm on a few meds, and I'm thinking straight now. What I did is.. unforgivable, and I'm just so sorry."

"Its not ok." You chuckled "I'll never forgive you, but we can possibly be friends, and only friends, now."

He nodded "yeah, I'd like that."

"Ok, that's enough." Asmo glared daggers at the purple eyed demon "you have to apologize to us as well. When you mess with y/n, you mess with us, too."

Teglons body started to tremble like he was having a small panic attack "s-s-sorry, g-guys..."

"That's enough, guys." You turned to the brothers "you're scaring the piss out of him."

"No we arent." Mammon growled "not until he actually pisses himself at least."

"Cmon, Teglon." You escorted him with Lucifer following you two "you're entire personality has changed, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so." He mumbled like a shy kid in the back of the class "a-anxiety has been kicking my ass recently."

He calmed down and stopped trembling when you got to the entrance doors. He gave you a small, genuine smile, and walked out silently.

"That was really nice of you, y/n." Lucifer said "why?"

"Well, if someone has a panic attack, I  want just stand there and do nothing." You rolled your eyes "dude was terrified!"

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now